Dutch language

How to pronounce treat in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms regale
Type of provide, supply, ply, cater
Has types wine, alcoholize, feast, feed

Don't worry about the expensive wine--I'm treating.
She treated her houseguests with good food every night.
Type Words
Synonyms care for
Has types cup, psychoanalyze, purge, splint, relieve, remedy, transfuse, administer, shock, psychoanalyse, analyse, analyze, vet, bleed, hyperventilate, burn, detox, cauterise, cauterize, insufflate, detoxify, iodise, correct, iodize, irrigate, leech, manipulate, massage, medicate, medicine, dispense, doctor, nurse, operate, operate on, dress, pack, phlebotomise, phlebotomize
Derivation treatment

The doctor treated my broken leg.
The patient must be treated right away or she will die.
Type Words
Synonyms dainty, delicacy, goody, kickshaw
Type of nourishment, aliment, sustenance, victuals, alimentation, nutrition, nutriment
Has types ambrosia, jelly, gelatin, savory, titbit, savoury, choice morsel, nectar, marrow, sweet, tidbit, bone marrow, confection
Type Words
Synonyms do by, handle
Type of interact
Has types brutalize, abuse, baby, bemock, brutalise, cocker, coddle, cosset, criminalize, cut, disregard, do well by, featherbed, gloss over, handle with kid gloves, ignore, ill-treat, ill-use, indulge, maltreat, mistreat, mock, mollycoddle, nurse, pamper, ride roughshod, rough-house, run roughshod, skate over, skimp over, slur over, smooth over, snub, spoil, step, strong-arm, upstage, wrong
Verb group plow, deal, cover, handle, address
Type Words
Synonyms address, cover, deal, handle, plow
Type of broach, initiate
Has types discuss, talk about, discourse, theologise, theologize
Verb group comprehend, handle, encompass, embrace, do by, cover
Derivation treatment

The new book treats the history of China.
Type Words
Synonyms process
Type of affect, touch, touch on, impact, bear upon, bear on
Has types chrome, creosote, curry, digest, dose, fluoridate, fluoridise, fluoridize, fume, fumigate, vulcanise, vulcanize, sulfur, sulphur, iodise, iodize, irradiate, malt, mercerise, mercerize, tank, nitrate, nitrify, nitrogenise, nitrogenize, oxygenate, oxygenise, oxygenize, propagate, ray, refine, reverberate, aerate, agenise, agenize, air-condition, ammoniate, run, beneficiate, bituminise, bituminize, bromate, brominate, scald, camphorate, carbonate, carboxylate, chlorinate, seed
Derivation treatment

treat the water so it can be drunk.
treat the lawn with chemicals.
treat an oil spill.
Type Words
Type of happening, occurrence, natural event, occurrent
Type Words
Type of negociate
Derivation treater

they had to treat with the King.
Type Words
Type of give, present, gift
Verb group regale

Grandmother always treated us to the circus.
I like to treat myself to a day at a spa when I am depressed.
Type Words
Type of respond, react
Verb group do by, handle

I treated his advances as a joke.