Dutch language

How to pronounce transport in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms conveyance, transfer, transferral, transportation
Type of movement
Has types transshipment, teleportation, drive, delivery, connexion, bringing, connection, airlift, carry, lighterage, lift, relocation, resettlement
Type Words
Synonyms delight, enchant, enrapture, enthral, enthrall, ravish
Type of please, delight
Type Words
Synonyms tape drive, tape transport
Type of mechanism
Type Words
Synonyms conveyance
Type of instrumentation, instrumentality
Has types mail, litter, cable tramway, horsebox, cargo ships, dolly, ski tow, telfer, telpher, trailer, tram, tramway, ski lift, sidecar, vehicle, shipping, ropeway, roll-on roll-off, public transport, lift, merchant vessels, aerial tramway, merchant marine
Type Words
Synonyms ecstasy, exaltation, rapture, raptus
Type of spirit, emotional state
Type Words
Synonyms carry
Type of displace, move
Has types bear, bring, bucket, cart, chariot, convey, drive, fly, haul, lug, motor, pack, pipe in, port, porter, return, shoulder, take, tote, tug
Verb group carry
Derivation transportation, transporter
Type Words
Synonyms shipping, transportation
Type of commercial enterprise, business enterprise, business
Has types truckage, trucking, expressage, ferry, navigation, ferrying, air transportation, freight, express, air transport, freightage, hauling
Type Words
Synonyms send, ship
Type of move, displace
Has types dispatch, forward, railroad, send on, send off, barge, despatch
Derivation transportation
Type Words
Synonyms channel, channelise, channelize, transfer, transmit
Type of move, displace
Has types bring, release, turn, translate, project, send out, convey, send, get, propagate, fetch
Type Words
Type of diffusion
Has types passive transport, active transport
Type Words
Type of move, displace
Has types freight, teleport, float, ferry, sledge, rail, raft, pipe, pick up, lighter, wheel around, sluice, carry over, bus, wheelbarrow, advect, truck, wheel
Derivation transporter, transportation