Dutch language

How to pronounce trace in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms retrace
Type of return

we retraced the route we took last summer.
trace your path.
Type Words
Synonyms ghost, touch
Type of suggestion, proffer, proposition
Type Words
Synonyms hint, suggestion, tint
Type of small indefinite quantity, small indefinite amount
Has types spark

he speaks French with a trace of an accent.
Type Words
Synonyms delineate, describe, draw, line
Type of mark
Has types write, circumscribe, inscribe, construct
Verb group draw
Derivation tracer, tracing

trace the outline of a figure in the sand.
Type Words
Synonyms hound, hunt
Type of go after, chase after, trail, give chase, dog, chase, tag, tail, track
Has types ferret

The hunters traced the deer into the woods.
Type Words
Synonyms shadow, tincture, vestige
Type of indicant, indication
Has types footprint

there wasn't a trace of evidence for the claim.
Type Words
Synonyms follow
Type of study, analyse, analyze, canvass, examine
Verb group watch, keep up, keep an eye on, keep abreast, watch over, observe, follow

trace the student's progress.
trace one's ancestry.
Type Words
Synonyms decipher
Type of read

The archeologist traced the hieroglyphs.
Type Words
Synonyms tracing
Type of drawing
Type Words
Type of print, mark
Type Words
Type of re-create, copy
Derivation tracer

trace a design.
trace a pattern.
Type Words
Type of notice, discover, detect, observe, find

She traced the circumstances of her birth.
Type Words
Type of line
Type Words
Type of continue, go forward, proceed

The children traced along the edge of the dark forest.
The women traced the pasture.