Dutch language

How to pronounce touch in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms signature
Type of manner, mode, style, way, fashion
Has types common touch

this room needs a woman's touch.
Type Words
Synonyms advert, allude
Type of hint, suggest
Verb group refer, bear on, have to do with, come to, relate, concern, touch on, pertain
Type Words
Synonyms partake
Type of consume, have, take in, ingest, take
Has types receive

She didn't touch her food all night.
Type Words
Synonyms touching
Type of contact, impinging, striking
Has types light touch, stroke, brush

he longed for the touch of her hand.
the cooling touch of the night air.
Type Words
Synonyms bear on, come to, concern, have to do with, pertain, refer, relate, touch on
Has types apply, go for, revolve around, revolve about, regard, matter to, involve, interest, affect, hold, focus on, center, center on, concentrate on
Verb group allude, advert
Type Words
Synonyms ghost, trace
Type of suggestion, proffer, proposition

there was a touch of sarcasm in his tone.
Type Words
Synonyms affect, bear on, bear upon, impact, touch on
Type of change, modify, alter
Has types trouble, tell on, queer, expose, tinge, color, peril, stimulate, strike a blow, colour, slam-dunk, scupper, act upon, repercuss, redound, hydrolise, hydrolize, hit, excite, treat, process, put out, subject, bother, distort, strike, endanger, work, incommode, inconvenience, influence, discommode, disoblige
Type Words
Synonyms touching
Type of human activity, human action, deed, act
Has types tickle, snatch, tickling, snap, titillation, skimming, shaving, physical contact, pat, palpation, osculation, manipulation, grope, lick, lap, kiss, dab, handling, jab, catch, striking, hitting, hit, grab, stroke, fingering, stroking, tactual exploration, buss, tag, tap, grazing, dig, contact

at his touch the room filled with lights.
Type Words
Synonyms equal, match, rival
Type of contend, compete, vie
Verb group match, equate, equalise, equal, equalize

Your performance doesn't even touch that of your colleagues.
Type Words
Synonyms contact
Type of communicating, communication

he got in touch with his colleagues.
Type Words
Synonyms spot
Type of attack

he has a touch of rheumatism.
Type Words
Synonyms stir
Type of strike, move, affect, impress
Has types get

I was touched by your kind letter of sympathy.
Type Words
Synonyms cutaneous senses, sense of touch, skin senses, touch modality
Type of somatosense, exteroception

only sight and touch enable us to locate objects in the space around us.
Type Words
Synonyms disturb
Type of alter, change, modify
Has types upset, violate

Don't touch my CDs!.
Type Words
Synonyms extend to, reach
Type of be
Has types reach into

The chair must not touch the wall.
Type Words
Synonyms hint, jot, mite, pinch, soupcon, speck, tinge
Type of small indefinite amount, small indefinite quantity
Has types snuff

this dish could use a touch of garlic.
Type Words
Synonyms adjoin, contact, meet
Has types hug, lean on, march, environ, edge, cover, cohere, cling, cleave, chafe, butt on, butt against, surround, butt, border, attach, stick, spread over, adjoin, skirt, adhere, scratch, rub, ring, fret, rest on, abut, fray, lean against
Verb group meet, converge

The two buildings touch.
Their hands touched.
Type Words
Synonyms feeling, tactile sensation, tactual sensation, touch sensation
Type of perception
Has types haptic sensation, skin sensation, cutaneous sensation, creepiness

she likes the touch of silk on her skin.
Type Words
Synonyms tinct, tinge, tint
Type of color, colourize, colourise, colour in, colour, colorize, colorise, color in
Has types complexion, tincture, henna
Type Words
Derivation toucher

He touched his toes to the horse's flanks.
Type Words
Type of understand

He could not touch the meaning of the poem.
Type Words
Type of handle, manage, deal, care

I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole.
The local Mafia won't touch gambling.
Type Words
Type of adroitness, quickness, adeptness, facility, deftness
Has types finishing touch, capstone, copestone

he has a master's touch.
Type Words
Has types handle, brush, buss, collide with, engage, feel, finger, hit, impinge on, kiss, mouth, osculate, palm, palpate, pick up, press, run into, skim, skim over, snog, strike, stroke, tag, thumb, toe
Derivation toucher, touching

She never touched her husband.
Type Words
Type of perceive, comprehend
Derivation touching

Helen Keller felt the physical world by touching people and objects around her.
Type Words
Type of solicitation

he watched the beggar trying to make a touch.
Type Words
Type of tactile property, feel

this piano has a wonderful touch.