Dutch language

How to pronounce tongue in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms spit
Type of ness, cape
Type Words
Synonyms clapper
Type of striker
Type Words
Synonyms clapper, glossa, lingua
Type of organ, articulator
Type Words
Synonyms knife
Type of projection

tongues of flame licked at the walls.
Type Words
Synonyms natural language
Type of linguistic communication, language
Has types afroasiatic, afroasiatic language, american-indian language, american indian, amerind, amerindian language, austro-asiatic, austro-asiatic language, austronesian, austronesian language, basque, ural-altaic, sino-tibetan, tonal language, tone language, afro-asiatic, khoisan, khoisan language, maternal language, miao, mother tongue, munda-mon-khmer, susian, afrasian, niger-kordofanian, niger-kordofanian language, nilo-saharan, nilo-saharan language, papuan, papuan language, sino-tibetan language, afrasian language, cassite, caucasian, caucasian language, chukchi, chukchi language, creole, dravidian, dravidian language, dravidic, elamite, elamitic, eskimo-aleut, eskimo-aleut language, first language, hamito-semitic, hmong, hmong language, indian, indo-european, indo-european language, indo-hittite, kassite
Type Words
Type of speech, manner of speaking, delivery
Has types sharp tongue

he spoke with a thick tongue.
she has a glib tongue.
Type Words
Type of spiel, play
Has types double tongue, triple-tongue
Type Words
Type of lap, lick
Type Words
Type of flap
Type Words
Type of variety meat, organs
Has types beef tongue, calf's tongue