Dutch language

How to pronounce throw in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms flip, switch
Type of lock, operate, mesh, engage
Has types switch on, turn off, turn on, turn out, cut, switch off

throw the lever.
Type Words
Synonyms give
Type of communicate, intercommunicate
Type Words
Synonyms cam stroke, stroke
Type of movement, motion
Has types instroke, outstroke
Type Words
Synonyms give, have, hold, make
Type of direct

have, throw, or make a party.
Type Words
Synonyms bemuse, bewilder, discombobulate
Type of discomfit, untune, disconcert, discompose, upset
Type Words
Synonyms cast, contrive, project
Type of direct, send
Has types shoot
Type Words
Synonyms cast, cast off, drop, shake off, shed, throw away, throw off
Type of withdraw, take, take away, remove
Has types molt, autotomize, exuviate, autotomise, abscise, shed, slough, moult, exfoliate
Type Words
Synonyms bedevil, befuddle, confound, confuse, discombobulate, fox, fuddle
Type of be
Has types beat, dumbfound, vex, flummox, disorientate, disorient, stupefy, stick, get, puzzle, pose, perplex, nonplus, mystify, demoralize, amaze, gravel, baffle, bewilder
Verb group disconcert, put off, flurry, confuse
Type Words
Synonyms thrust
Type of position, pose, place, lay, put, set
Has types pop
Type Words
Synonyms hurl
Type of verbalize, give tongue to, express, verbalise, utter

throw accusations at someone.
Type Words
Type of chance, opportunity

he couldn't afford $50 a throw.
Type Words
Type of bedclothes, bed clothing, bedding
Type Words
Type of play, gambling, gaming
Has types cast, flip, roll, toss

he risked his fortune on a throw of the dice.
Type Words
Type of bump, dislodge
Type Words
Type of work, forge, form, mold, mould, shape
Derivation thrower
Type Words
Type of move
Type Words
Type of impel, propel
Has types chuck, cast, bombard, drive, deliver, ground, heave, hurl, hurtle, defenestrate, jettison, juggle, lob, deep-six, pass, pelt, pitch, prostrate, ridge, shy, skim, skip, skitter, slam, throw overboard, toss, flap down, flick, fling, flip
Derivation thrower

throw a frisbee.
Type Words
Type of actuation, propulsion
Has types pitch, ringer, shy, pass, heaving, heave, flip, fling, delivery, throw-in, hurl, cast, bowling, leaner, toss, slinging

the catcher made a good throw to second base.
Type Words
Type of release, turn
Has types shoot
Type Words
Type of set, place, pose, lay, put, position

throw the car into reverse.