Dutch language

How to pronounce theory in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms hypothesis, possibility
Type of concept, construct, conception
Has types speculation, conjecture, framework, gemmule, historicism, hypothetical, model, assumption, supposal, supposition, theoretical account
Derivation theorist, theorize, theoretic, theoretician, theorise

a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory.
he proposed a fresh theory of alkalis that later was accepted in chemical practices.
Type Words
Type of belief
Has types patchwork, jumble, hodgepodge, egoism
Derivation theorize, theorist, theorise

the architect has a theory that more is less.
they killed him on the theory that dead men tell no tales.
Type Words
Type of explanation
Has types atomism, atomist theory, holistic theory, field theory, structural sociology, structuralism, holism, atomic theory, preformation, reductionism, scientific theory, theory of preformation, structural anthropology, blastogenesis, economic theory, atomistic theory
Derivation theorist, theoretician, theoretic

true in fact and theory.