Dutch language

How to pronounce taste in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms penchant, predilection, preference
Type of liking
Has types acquired taste, weakness
Type Words
Synonyms gustation, gustatory modality, sense of taste
Type of sensory system, modality, exteroception, sense modality
Derivation tasty

his cold deprived him of his sense of taste.
Type Words
Synonyms mouthful
Type of small indefinite amount, small indefinite quantity
Has types morsel, bit, bite, sup, swallow

take a taste--you'll like it.
Type Words
Synonyms sample, try, try out
Type of consume, take in, take, ingest, have
Has types degust
Derivation tasting, taster
Type Words
Synonyms gustatory perception, gustatory sensation, taste perception, taste sensation
Type of sense datum, sense experience, aesthesis, esthesis, sensation, sense impression
Has types saltiness, salt, salinity, relish, sourness, nip, sour, astringency, mellowness, flavour, flavor, flatness, finish, astringence, smack, bitterness, bitter, sugariness, sweet, savour, sweetness, tang, tartness, savor, sapidity

the candy left him with a bad taste.
the melon had a delicious taste.
Type Words
Synonyms appreciation, discernment, perceptiveness
Type of secernment, discrimination
Has types virtu, vertu, trend, discretion, vogue, style, connoisseurship, culture, delicacy

arrogance and lack of taste contributed to his rapid success.
to ask at that particular time was the ultimate in bad taste.
Type Words
Synonyms smack
Type of savor, savour
Derivation tasting

This tastes of nutmeg.
Type Words
Synonyms savor, savour
Has types smack
Type Words
Synonyms tasting
Type of sensing, perception
Type Words
Type of experience

he got a taste of life on the wild side.
she enjoyed her brief taste of independence.
Type Words
Type of identify
Derivation taster

We tasted wines last night.
Type Words
Type of live, know, experience

The ex-slave tasted freedom shortly before she died.
Type Words
Type of comprehend, perceive
Has types savor, savour
Derivation tasting

Can you taste the garlic?.