Dutch language

How to pronounce tank in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms storage tank
Type of vessel
Has types petrol tank, cistern, septic tank, fish tank, marine museum, gas holder, gas tank, gasoline tank, gasometer, reservoir, water tank, hot-water heater, hot-water tank, water heater, aquarium
Type Words
Synonyms cooler
Type of cell, jail cell, prison cell
Type Words
Synonyms armored combat vehicle, armoured combat vehicle, army tank
Type of military vehicle, tracked vehicle, armoured vehicle, armored vehicle
Has types panzer
Type Words
Synonyms tank car
Type of freight car
Type Words
Synonyms tankful
Type of containerful
Type Words
Type of booze, drink, fuddle, hit the bottle
Type Words
Type of store
Derivation tankage
Type Words
Type of process, treat

tank animal refuse.