Dutch language

How to pronounce tally in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms hit, rack up, score
Type of make headway, win, get ahead, gain, gain ground, pull ahead, advance
Has types make, walk, convert, equalise, equalize, get, get even, have, hole up, homer, kick, ace, par, shoot, eagle
Type Words
Synonyms chalk up
Type of enter, put down, record
Type Words
Synonyms add, add together, add up, sum, sum up, summate, tot, tot up, total, tote up
Type of count, enumerate, number, numerate
Verb group add, add together
Type Words
Synonyms reckoning
Type of invoice, bill, account
Type Words
Synonyms run
Type of score
Has types unearned run, rbi, earned run, run batted in

their first tally came in the 3rd inning.
Type Words
Synonyms count, counting, enumeration, numeration, reckoning
Type of investigation, investigating
Has types sperm count, countdown, census, blood count, nosecount, poll, nose count, recount, miscount
Type Words
Synonyms agree, check, correspond, fit, gibe, jibe, match
Type of equal, be
Has types parallel, accord, look, homologize, harmonize, adhere, pattern, underpin, twin, support, suit, square, rime, rhyme, resemble, coincide, harmonise, concord, consist, consort, fit in, correlate, corroborate, duplicate, agree, align, answer, bear out, befit, beseem
Verb group agree, check out, consort, fit in, harmonize, concord, harmonise, accord, check