Dutch language

How to pronounce take in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms issue, payoff, proceeds, return, takings, yield
Type of income
Has types rent, payback, economic rent
Type Words
Synonyms contain, hold
Type of be
Verb group contain, accommodate, admit, bear, carry, hold

This box won't take all the items.
Type Words
Synonyms remove, take away, withdraw
Has types eliminate, unsaddle, decarburise, empty, decarbonize, enucleate, epilate, unstring, eviscerate, decarbonise, depilate, excavate, unveil, exenterate, condense, decalcify, expectorate, debone, demineralize, extirpate, de-ionate, extract, de-iodinate, fan, cut off, cut into, crumb, tusk, cream off, cream, flick, turn over, free, clear up, clear out, clear off, clear away, clear, clean, get out, tip, desorb, throw off, gut, throw away, throw, harvest, detoxicate, tear out, circumcise, chip away at, chip away, head, tear off, tear away, hollow, hull, cast off, husk, hypophysectomise, hypophysectomize, take up, wipe off, cast, carve out, carry off, take out, carry away, knock out, lade, laden, ladle, leach, lift, lift out, take off, take away, cancel, ablate, burr, burl, muck, suck out, strip, bur, brush, offsaddle, pick, withdraw, string, pit, stone, stem, spoon, wipe away, winnow, amputate, skim off, skim, bone, wash, pull, pull off, pull out, pull up, bear off, bear away, weed, wear off, ream, wear away, shuck, shell, bale out, bail out, shed, shake off, wash out, aspirate, seed, resect, bail, wash off, wash away, scoop up, scoop out, rip off, scoop, rip out, scavenge, scalp, scale, detoxify, detusk, undock, dig, disburden, discharge, disembowel, disinvest, dislodge, dismantle, demineralise, divest, delve, delouse, draw, undress, descale, draw away, draw off, draw out, dredge, delete, dehorn, degas, drive out, drop, defuse, unburden, defang, decorticate, decoke, decarburize, unhinge, unpack

take the gun from your pocket.
Type Words
Synonyms consume, have, ingest, take in
Has types sample, eat, sate, satiate, suck in, sup, hit the bottle, taste, take up, imbibe, cannibalize, cannibalise, take in, drink, replete, booze, feed, use, fill, sop up, try out, try, fuddle, touch, habituate, partake

I don't take sugar in my coffee.
Type Words
Synonyms film, shoot
Type of enter, put down, record
Has types reshoot
Verb group shoot, photograph, snap

take a scene.
Type Words
Synonyms accept
Type of be

This surface will not take the dye.
Type Words
Synonyms occupy, use up
Type of use, expend
Has types be
Verb group eat, use up, eat up, deplete, run through, exhaust, wipe out, consume
Type Words
Synonyms conduct, direct, guide, lead
Has types mislead, lead astray, misdirect, misguide, hand, usher, beacon, show

can you take me to the main entrance?.
Type Words
Synonyms have
Type of jazz, have it away, bonk, fuck, get it on, get laid, screw, make out, make love, love, lie with, have a go at it, know, have it off, have intercourse, hump, roll in the hay, be intimate, do it, have sex, eff, sleep with, bang, bed, sleep together

He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable.
Type Words
Synonyms carry, pack
Type of feature, have
Verb group carry

She always takes an umbrella.
Type Words
Synonyms subscribe, subscribe to
Type of purchase, buy

We take the Times every day.
Type Words
Synonyms accept, admit, take on
Type of have, accept
Has types profess
Verb group let in, include, admit
Type Words
Synonyms make
Type of head
Type Words
Synonyms choose, pick out, select
Type of make up one's mind, determine, decide
Has types set apart, adopt, anoint, assign, cream off, cull out, define, determine, dial, draw, elect, empanel, espouse, excerpt, extract, field, fix, follow, go, impanel, limit, nominate, panel, pick, pick over, plump, propose, screen, screen out, set, sieve, sieve out, sift, single out, skim off, sort, specify, take out, think of, vote, vote in, winnow
Type Words
Synonyms consider, deal, look at
Type of think about
Has types trifle, dally, warm to, abstract, play, contemplate
Type Words
Synonyms fill, occupy
Type of do work, work
Verb group strike, take up, assume
Type Words
Synonyms read
Type of see, interpret, construe
Has types misinterpret, misread
Verb group read

How should I take this message?.
Type Words
Synonyms claim
Type of assert, swear, verify, avow, aver, swan, affirm
Verb group claim, lay claim, arrogate
Type Words
Synonyms submit
Type of undergo
Has types test
Derivation taker
Type Words
Synonyms accept
Has types co-opt

take a risk.
take an opportunity.
Type Words
Synonyms bring, convey
Type of transport, carry
Has types transit, ferry, return, whisk, conduct, bring back, channel, convey, impart, carry, take back, land, fetch, tube, transmit
Verb group bring, get, convey, fetch
Type Words
Synonyms charter, engage, hire, lease, rent
Type of get, acquire

Shall we take a guide in Rome?.
Type Words
Synonyms contract, get
Type of sicken, come down
Has types catch
Verb group catch
Type Words
Synonyms acquire, adopt, assume, take on
Type of change
Has types re-assume
Type Words
Synonyms claim, exact
Type of necessitate, involve, call for, demand, ask, postulate, require, need
Verb group need, demand, require, postulate, ask, call for, involve, necessitate
Type Words
Synonyms get hold of
Has types clutch, seize, prehend
Derivation taking

Can you take this bag, please.
Type Words
Synonyms ask, call for, demand, involve, necessitate, need, postulate, require
Has types govern, draw, exact, compel, claim, cry for, cry out for, cost
Verb group exact, claim

It takes nerve to do what she did.
Type Words
Synonyms assume, strike, take up
Type of move
Verb group fill, occupy
Type Words
Synonyms accept, have
Type of get, acquire
Has types take up, take over, borrow, take on, accept, admit, honor, honour, welcome, adopt
Verb group have, receive
Derivation taker
Type Words
Synonyms learn, read, study
Has types train, audit, practise, practice, drill, prepare, exercise
Type Words
Synonyms drive
Type of get across, track, cut across, pass over, cut through, cross, get over, cover, traverse
Verb group motor, drive
Type Words
Synonyms aim, direct, take aim, train
Type of position
Has types point, swing, aim, direct, turn, charge, sight, target, hold, draw a bead on, level, place
Type Words
Type of incur, find, get, obtain, receive

take a pulse.
A reading was taken of the earth's tremors.
Type Words
Type of go, get, become

take sick.
be taken drunk.
Type Words
Type of purchase, buy

I'll take a pound of that sausage.
Type Words
Type of act, move

take action.
take steps.
take vengeance.
Type Words
Type of have, get, experience, receive
Verb group submit
Type Words
Type of win

Winner takes all.
Type Words
Has types foray, rip off, rip, rifle, retake, assume, rescue, seize, relieve, recapture, arrogate, reave, ransack, plunder, steal, pillage, strip, loot, take over, usurp, sack, extort, despoil, scale
Type Words
Has types impound, divest, take over, seize, sequester, accept, take in, call back, repossess, recall, bear, attach, grab, take back, withdraw, confiscate, unburden, deprive, snaffle, strip, adopt, snap up, assume, pocket, collect, take away, call in

I'll take three salmon steaks.
Type Words
Type of cinematography, filming, motion-picture photography
Has types retake
Type Words
Type of utilise, use, employ, apply, utilize

He takes the bus to work.
She takes Route 1 to Newark.