Dutch language

How to pronounce tack in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms saddlery, stable gear
Type of gear, appurtenance, paraphernalia
Has types harness, martingale, housing, horse blanket, headgear, saddle blanket, saddlecloth, hame, girth, trapping, yoke, cinch, caparison, bit
Type Words
Synonyms alternate, flip, flip-flop, interchange, switch
Type of turn, change by reversal, reverse
Type Words
Synonyms wear round
Type of sail
Derivation tacking

The sailors decided to tack the boat.
The boat tacked.
Type Words
Synonyms mainsheet, sheet, shroud, weather sheet
Type of line
Has types futtock shroud
Type Words
Synonyms tacking
Type of change of course
Type Words
Synonyms assemble, piece, put together, set up, tack together
Type of make, join, create
Has types rig up, reassemble, confuse, configure, confection, confect, compound, comfit, jumble, mix up

He tacked together some verses.
Type Words
Synonyms baste
Type of sew together, sew, stitch, run up
Derivation tacker
Type Words
Synonyms append, hang on, tack on, tag on
Type of attach
Has types subjoin
Type Words
Type of nail
Has types tintack, drawing pin, thumbtack, carpet tack, pushpin
Type Words
Type of fix, secure, fasten
Has types thumbtack
Derivation tacker

tack the notice on the board.
Type Words
Type of sailing
Type Words
Type of heading, aim, bearing