Dutch language

How to pronounce swing in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms baseball swing, cut
Type of shot, stroke
Type Words
Synonyms jive, swing music
Type of jazz
Derivation swingy
Type Words
Synonyms sweep, swing out
Type of handle, manage, wield
Type Words
Synonyms lilt
Type of rhythmicity
Derivation swingy
Type Words
Synonyms sway
Type of move back and forth
Has types brachiate, weave, lash, oscillate, vibrate, waver
Derivation swinger
Type Words
Synonyms get around
Type of socialise, socialize
Type Words
Synonyms golf shot, golf stroke
Type of stroke, shot
Has types putting, sclaff, driving, drive, teeoff, draw, downswing, approach shot, slice, approach, slicing, hooking, fade, hook, putt, explosion, shank
Type Words
Synonyms dangle, drop
Type of hang
Has types droop, loll
Derivation swinging
Type Words
Synonyms swinging, vacillation
Type of movement, move, motion
Type Words
Synonyms swing over
Type of act upon, work, influence
Type Words
Type of change
Has types fluctuate, waver, vacillate

his mood swings.
the market is swinging up and down.
Type Words
Type of country-dance, contra danse, contradance, contredanse, country dancing
Type Words
Type of action, activeness, activity

the party went with a swing.
it took time to get into the swing of things.
Type Words
Type of blow

he took a wild swing at my head.
Type Words
Type of travel, move, locomote, go

swing back.
swing forward.
Type Words
Type of fornicate
Derivation swinger

There were many swinging couples in the 1960's.
Type Words
Type of be

The music has to swing.
Type Words
Type of take aim, aim, direct, take, train

The soccer player began to swing at the referee.
Type Words
Type of live

The Woodstock generation attempted to swing freely.
Type Words
Type of mechanical device, toy, plaything
Has types trapeze
Type Words
Type of displace, move
Has types wind up
Derivation swinger

swing a bat.
Type Words
Type of play