Dutch language

How to pronounce sustenance in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms bread and butter, keep, livelihood, living, support
Type of resource
Has types maintenance, comforts, conveniences, creature comforts, amenities, meal ticket, subsistence
Derivation sustain
Type Words
Synonyms maintenance, sustainment, sustentation, upkeep
Type of support
Derivation sustain

they were in want of sustenance.
Type Words
Synonyms aliment, alimentation, nourishment, nutriment, nutrition, victuals
Type of nutrient, food
Has types delicacy, treat, vitamin, wheat germ, dish, fast food, finger food, goody, ingesta, kickshaw, kosher, course, meal, dainty, mess, milk, mince, repast, stodge, puree
Derivation sustain