Dutch language

How to pronounce support in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms backing, financial backing, financial support, funding
Type of resource

the foundation provided support for the experiment.
Type Words
Synonyms defend, fend for
Type of argue, reason
Has types stick up, apologise, take someone's side, uphold, rationalize, rationalise, excuse, take sides with, apologize, stand up
Derivation supportive, supporter

She supported the motion to strike.
Type Words
Synonyms abide, bear, brook, digest, endure, put up, stand, stick out, stomach, suffer, tolerate
Type of countenance, permit, let, allow
Has types pay, sit out, take lying down, take a joke, swallow, hold still for, bear up, live with, stand for, accept
Verb group suffer
Type Words
Synonyms reenforcement, reinforcement
Type of operation, military operation
Has types close support

they called for artillery support.
Type Words
Synonyms hold, hold up, sustain
Has types brace, block, bracket, buoy, buoy up, carry, chock, pole, prop, prop up, scaffold, shore, shore up, truss, underpin
Derivation supporter, supporting

He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam.
Type Words
Synonyms subscribe
Type of concord, agree, concur, hold
Type Words
Synonyms bread and butter, keep, livelihood, living, sustenance
Type of resource
Has types subsistence, meal ticket, conveniences, creature comforts, comforts, amenities, maintenance

he applied to the state for support.
Type Words
Synonyms accompaniment, backup, musical accompaniment
Type of voice, part
Has types vamp, discant, descant
Type Words
Synonyms supporting
Type of activity
Has types propping up, dangling, hanging, shoring, suspension, shoring up

he leaned against the wall for support.
Type Words
Synonyms keep going, patronage, patronise, patronize
Type of nurture, foster
Verb group run on, keep going
Derivation supporter
Type Words
Synonyms documentation
Type of proof, validation, substantiation

the strongest support for this view is the work of Jones.
Type Words
Synonyms affirm, confirm, corroborate, substantiate, sustain
Has types demonstrate, prove, vouch, shew, validate, verify, back, back up, show, establish, document

The evidence supports the defendant.
Type Words
Synonyms back, endorse, indorse, plump for, plunk for
Type of approve, sanction, o.k., okay
Has types guarantee, champion, defend, warrant
Verb group second, endorse, back, indorse
Derivation supportive, supporter
Type Words
Synonyms bear out, corroborate, underpin
Type of match, correspond, jibe, tally, check, agree, gibe, fit
Type Words
Synonyms back up
Has types root, shop at, frequent, assist, back, buy at, sponsor, encourage, indorse, help, boost, endorse, further, shop, undergird, promote, advance, second, aid, patronize, patronise
Derivation supportive, supporter

She supported him during the illness.
Type Words
Type of assist, assistance, help, aid
Has types sponsorship, approving, protagonism, endorsement, attachment, adherence, adhesion, advocacy, indorsement, blessing, reassurance, approval

the president no longer has the support of his own party.
they developed a scheme of mutual support.
Type Words
Type of device
Has types tee, andiron, arch support, back, backboard, backrest, baluster, bar, base, bearing, bearing wall, bedpost, bookend, brace, bracket, bridge, dog, dog-iron, firedog, foot, football tee, foothold, footing, headstock, leg, pedestal, perch, pier, pillow block, yoke, wheel spoke, rack, radius, wall bracket, rest, rib, rocker, seat, shelf, undercarriage, spoke, stair, stand, step, stirrup, stirrup iron, stock, structural member, tailstock, gunstock, handrest, hanger, harness, harp

there was no place to attach supports for a shelf.
Type Words
Type of play, act, represent

Olivier supported Gielgud beautifully in the second act.
Type Words
Type of influence
Has types keystone, mainstay, anchor, lifeline, backbone, lynchpin, linchpin

the policy found little public support.
his faith was all the support he needed.
the team enjoyed the support of their fans.
Type Words
Type of supporting structure
Has types plinth, architrave, abutment, groundwork, basement, foundation, footstall, foot, buttressing, substructure, base, pedestal, understructure, prop, buttress, fundament

the statue stood on a marble support.
Type Words
Type of give
Has types subsidize, bring home the bacon, fund, patronise, patronize, provide, see through, sponsor, subsidise

he does not support his natural children.
The scholarship supported me when I was in college.
Type Words
Type of activity
Has types logistic support, sustentation, sustainment, sustenance, upkeep, logistic assistance, maintenance

his support kept the family together.
they gave him emotional support during difficult times.