Dutch language

How to pronounce substance in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms body, consistence, consistency
Type of property
Has types thickness, thinness, softness, breakableness, unbreakableness, porousness, viscosity, viscousness, solidness, hardness, gaseousness, porosity, solidity
Type Words
Synonyms means
Type of capital
Has types pocketbook, wherewithal
Type Words
Synonyms meaning
Type of idea, thought
Has types import, undercurrent, denotation, tenor, strain, significance, semantics, reference, connotation, implication, extension, undertone
Type Words
Synonyms content, message, subject matter
Type of communication
Has types counseling, proposal, publicity, counsel, corker, commitment, commendation, refusal, reminder, request, respects, sensationalism, shocker, significance, signification, statement, story, bunk, subject, submission, tale, theme, body, topic, aside, approval, view, acknowledgment, wit, witticism, wittiness, acknowledgement, information, info, import, humour, humor, insertion, instruction, interpolation, hokum, latent content, guidance, garbage, excursus, entry, meaning, meaninglessness, memorial, drivel, narration, narrative, nonsense, nonsensicality, divagation, disrespect, offer, offering, opinion, packaging, parenthesis, petition, discourtesy, disapproval, direction, digression, dedication, postulation, promo, promotion, promotional material, counselling
Type Words
Synonyms center, centre, core, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, kernel, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, pith, sum
Type of cognitive content, content, mental object
Has types stuff, quiddity, quintessence, haecceity, bare bones, hypostasis
Type Words
Type of matter
Has types vehicle, adulterant, adulterator, agent, allergen, antigen, inhibitor, propellant, poisonous substance, denaturant, digestive, poison, philosophers' stone, philosopher's stone, nutrient, metabolite, elixir, lysin, lubricator, lubricating substance, ferment, lubricant, fomentation, food, fuel, lube, ligand, leavening, leaven, jelly, humectant, inoculum, inoculant, hydrocolloid, assay, toxicant, carcinogen, chemical irritant, refrigerant, pyrogen, pyrectic, propellent

shigella is one of the most toxic substances known to man.
Type Words
Type of physical entity

the immune response recognizes invading substances.
Type Words
Type of component part, component, part, constituent, portion, matter
Has types material, medium, chemical element, element, essence, stuff, mixture, protoplasm, substrate, living substance, body substance, chemistry, phlogiston, atom, activator, volatile, fluid
Derivation substantial

DNA is the substance of our genes.