Dutch language

How to pronounce strain in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms straining
Type of elbow grease, travail, sweat, exertion, effort
Derivation strenuous
Type Words
Synonyms stress
Type of difficulty

she endured the stresses and strains of life.
Type Words
Synonyms tense, tense up
Type of affect
Has types extend, stretch
Type Words
Synonyms stress, try
Type of afflict
Has types rack
Type Words
Synonyms tense
Type of tighten

the rope strained when the weight was attached.
Type Words
Synonyms air, line, melodic line, melodic phrase, melody, tune
Type of music
Has types signature tune, theme, fanfare, flourish, glissando, idea, leitmotif, leitmotiv, melodic theme, musical theme, voice, part, tucket, roulade, signature, theme song
Type Words
Synonyms song
Type of vocal music
Has types cradlesong, lullaby, carol
Type Words
Synonyms filter, filter out, filtrate, separate out
Type of separate
Derivation strainer
Type Words
Synonyms sieve, sift
Type of separate
Has types rice, winnow, screen, riddle, resift
Derivation strainer
Type Words
Synonyms extend
Type of use, utilise, employ, apply, utilize
Has types overstrain, overextend, task, tax
Derivation straining

Don't strain your mind too much.
Type Words
Synonyms form, var., variant
Type of taxonomic group, taxon, taxonomic category

a new strain of microorganisms.
Type Words
Synonyms breed, stock
Type of variety, animal group
Has types pedigree, bloodstock

he created a new strain of sheep.
Type Words
Synonyms tenor
Type of meaning, substance
Has types purport, drift
Type Words
Synonyms reach, strive
Type of drive, tug, labour, push, labor
Has types overexert oneself, kill oneself, inconvenience oneself, extend oneself, bother, trouble, trouble oneself

straining our ears to hear.
Type Words
Synonyms nisus, pains, striving
Type of try, endeavour, attempt, effort, endeavor
Has types jihad, jehad
Derivation strenuous
Type Words
Synonyms puree
Type of rub
Type Words
Synonyms deform, distort
Type of form, shape
Has types jaundice
Type Words
Synonyms mental strain, nervous strain
Type of nerves, nervousness
Has types tension, stress, tenseness

his responsibilities were a constant strain.
the mental strain of staying alert hour after hour was too much for him.
Type Words
Type of hurt, harm, injury, trauma
Type Words
Type of deformation
Has types overstrain