Dutch language

How to pronounce straight in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms square
Derivation straightness

straight dealing.
Type Words
Synonyms directly, flat

told me straight out.
Type Words
Synonyms straightaway
Type of section, segment
Has types stretch
Type Words
Synonyms square
Type Words
Synonyms square, straightforward
Derivation straightness

he is not being as straightforward as it appears.
Type Words
Synonyms consecutive

sick for five straight days.
Type Words
Synonyms true
Type Words
Synonyms heterosexual, heterosexual person, straight person
Type of person, mortal, someone, individual, soul, somebody
Type Words
Synonyms uncoiled
Type Words
Synonyms direct, directly
Type Words
Synonyms full-strength, neat
Type Words
Synonyms unbent, unbowed

sit straight.
Type Words
Type of poker hand
Type Words
Derivation straightness

straight reasoning.
Type Words
Derivation straightness

a straight line.
Type Words
Derivation straightness

straight lines.
straight roads across the desert.
straight teeth.
straight shoulders.
Type Words

set the record straight.
made sure the facts were straight in the report.
Type Words

the room is straight now.
Type Words
Derivation straightness
Type Words
Derivation straightness

her naturally straight hair hung long and silky.