Dutch language

How to pronounce stock in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms gunstock
Type of grip, handle, support, handgrip, hold
Has types pistol grip

the rifle had been fitted with a special stock.
Type Words
Synonyms inventory
Type of merchandise, ware, product
Derivation stockist
Type Words
Synonyms caudex
Type of stem, stalk
Type Words
Synonyms gillyflower
Type of flower
Has types brompton stock, matthiola incana
Type Words
Synonyms banal, commonplace, hackneyed, old-hat, shopworn, threadbare, timeworn, tired, trite, well-worn

a stock answer.
Type Words
Synonyms sprout
Type of get, develop, acquire, grow, produce
Type Words
Synonyms ancestry, blood, blood line, bloodline, descent, line, line of descent, lineage, origin, parentage, pedigree, stemma
Type of genealogy, family tree
Has types kinsfolk, family line, kinfolk, sept, folk, family, phratry, side
Type Words
Synonyms malcolm stock
Type of flower
Type Words
Synonyms breed, strain
Type of variety, animal group
Has types bloodstock, pedigree
Type Words
Synonyms carry, stockpile
Type of have got, hold, have
Derivation stockist
Type Words
Synonyms fund, store
Type of accumulation
Has types stash, hoard, issue, cache, provision, infrastructure, seed stock, military issue, government issue, base
Derivation stocker, stockist
Type Words
Synonyms farm animal, livestock
Type of placental, placental mammal, eutherian mammal, eutherian
Derivation stocker
Type Words
Synonyms stock certificate
Type of security, certificate
Has types share

the value of his stocks doubled during the past year.
Type Words
Synonyms buy in, stock up
Type of provide, supply, furnish, render
Has types overstock, understock
Derivation stockist

let's stock coffee as long as prices are low.
Type Words
Synonyms standard

a stock item.
Type Words
Synonyms broth
Type of soup
Has types pot liquor, stock cube, pot likker, liquor, chicken stock, beef broth, beef stock, chicken broth

she made gravy with a base of beef stock.
Type Words
Synonyms neckcloth
Type of cravat
Type Words
Type of plant part, plant structure
Has types rootstock
Type Words
Type of equip, fit out, fit, outfit

stock a rifle.
Type Words
Type of timber, lumber

they will cut round stock to 1-inch diameter.
Type Words
Type of provide, supply, render, furnish
Has types plant, restock
Derivation stockist, stocking

stock the larder with meat.
Type Words

a stock answer.
Type Words
Type of supply, render, furnish, provide

stock a lake.
Type Words
Type of furnish, render, provide, supply

stock a farm.
Type Words
Type of capital, working capital
Has types preferred shares, no-par stock, no-par-value stock, control stock, common stock equivalent, common stock, authorized shares, ordinary shares, preference shares, preferred stock, authorized stock, hot stock, quarter stock, reacquired stock, hot issue, treasury shares, treasury stock, growth stock, voting stock, watered stock, capital stock, float, common shares

he owns a controlling share of the company's stock.
Type Words
Type of handgrip, handle, grip, hold
Has types butt end, butt, bitstock, brace

he grabbed the cue by the stock.
Type Words
Type of repute, reputation

his stock was so high he could have been elected mayor.