Dutch language

How to pronounce steal in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms slip
Type of move
Derivation stealing
Type Words
Synonyms rip, rip off
Type of take
Has types lift, loot, malversate, misappropriate, nobble, peculate, pilfer, pinch, pirate, plagiarise, plagiarize, pluck, plunder, pocket, purloin, rob, roll, rustle, shoplift, sneak, snitch, swipe, thieve, walk off, snarf, abstract, bag, burglarise, burglarize, burgle, cabbage, cop, defalcate, embezzle, filch, glom, heist, hook, hustle, knock off
Derivation stealer, stealing
Type Words
Synonyms bargain, buy
Type of purchase
Has types song, travel bargain
Type Words
Type of ball, baseball game, baseball
Type Words
Type of advance, make headway, win, pull ahead, gain ground, gain, get ahead