Dutch language

How to pronounce state in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms express
Type of refer, denote
Has types vote
Type Words
Synonyms country, land
Type of administrative district, administrative division, territorial division
Has types country of origin, african nation, south american nation, african country, european country, european nation, south american country, sultanate, motherland, mother country, banana republic, kingdom, fatherland, asian nation, homeland, buffer country, buffer state, north american nation, asian country, north american country, tax haven, native land
Type Words
Synonyms body politic, commonwealth, country, land, nation, res publica
Type of political unit, political entity
Has types foreign country, great power, sea power, rogue state, rogue nation, city-state, renegade state, major power, world power, city state, dominion, commonwealth country, power, superpower, suzerain, developing country, ally, reich

the state has elected a new president.
Type Words
Synonyms state of matter
Type of chemical phenomenon
Has types liquid, liquidness, phase, solidness, solid state, liquidity, form, solid, gaseous state, gas, liquid state, plasma

the solid state of water is called ice.
Type Words
Synonyms province
Type of administrative district, territorial division, administrative division
Has types canadian province, italian region, soviet socialist republic, eparchy, australian state, malaysian state, commonwealth, american state

his state is in the deep south.
Type Words
Synonyms posit, put forward, submit
Type of propose, advise, suggest
Derivation statement
Type Words
Synonyms department of state, dos, state department, united states department of state
Type of executive department
Has types foggy bottom
Type Words
Synonyms say, tell
Type of verbalize, verbalise, utter, express, give tongue to
Has types summarize, present, announce, answer, append, articulate, declare, enunciate, explain, get out, give, introduce, lay out, mention, misstate, note, observe, precede, vocalize, vocalise, preface, premise, supply, summarise, remark, sum up, sum, respond, represent, reply, add
Verb group say
Derivation statement

state your opinion.
state your name.
Type Words
Type of emotional state, spirit

he was in such a state you just couldn't reason with him.
Type Words
Type of authorities, regime, government
Has types soviets, welfare state

the state has lowered its income tax.
Type Words
Type of attribute
Has types ne plus ultra, action, activeness, activity, agency, annulment, antagonism, being, beingness, cleavage, condition, conditionality, conflict, damnation, dead letter, death, degree, delegacy, dependance, dependence, dependency, destruction, disorder, dystopia, employ, employment, end, enlargement, enmity, eternal damnation, existence, face of the earth, feeling, flawlessness, flux, forthcomingness, freedom, grace, ground state, heterozygosity, homozygosity, hostility, illumination, immatureness, immaturity, imminence, imminency, imminentness, impendence, impendency, imperfection, imperfectness, inaction, inactiveness, inactivity, integrity, isomerism, kalemia, level, lifelessness, matureness, maturity, medium, merchantability, motion, motionlessness, multivalence, multivalency, nationhood, natural state, neotony, non-issue, nonbeing, obligation, office, omnipotence, omniscience, order, ornamentation, ownership, paternity, perfection, plurality, point, polyvalence, polyvalency, position, power, preparation, preparedness, readiness, receivership, relationship, representation, revocation, saving grace, separation, situation, skillfulness, stage, state of affairs, state of flux, state of grace, state of nature, status, stillness, technicality, temporary state, tribalism, turgor, unemployment, unification, union, unity, utilization, utopia, wholeness, wild

the current state of knowledge.
his state of health.
in a weak financial state.