Dutch language

How to pronounce start in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms commence, embark on, start up
Type of begin, lead off, commence
Has types inaugurate, kick off, open

Who started this company?.
I start my day with a good breakfast.
The blood shed started when the partisans launched a surprise attack.
Type Words
Synonyms bug out, bulge, bulge out, come out, pop, pop out, protrude
Type of deform, change form, change shape
Type Words
Synonyms beginning, commencement, first, get-go, kickoff, offset, outset, showtime, starting time
Type of point, point in time
Has types incipiency, terminus a quo, birth, threshold, starting point, incipience

they got an early start.
Type Words
Synonyms take up
Has types take office

start a new job.
Type Words
Synonyms start up
Has types kick-start, restart, re-start, jumpstart, jump-start, jump, hot-wire, crank up, crank

We simply could not start the engine.
start up the computer.
Type Words
Synonyms scratch, scratch line, starting line
Type of line
Type Words
Synonyms begin
Has types erupt, dawn, kick in, originate, bud, break out, set in
Verb group begin

Prices for these homes start at $250,000.
Type Words
Synonyms starting signal
Type of signaling, sign, signal

the starting signal was a green light.
the runners awaited the start.
Type Words
Synonyms initiate, originate
Type of create, make
Has types date from, lead up, date back, set, go back, initiate
Derivation starter
Type Words
Synonyms starting
Type of play, turn

he got his start because one of the regular pitchers was in the hospital.
his starting meant that the coach thought he was one of their best linemen.
Type Words
Synonyms begin, commence, lead off
Has types usher in, commence, embark on, inaugurate, introduce, jump-start, jumpstart, recommence, set off, start up
Verb group begin

The U.S. started a war in the Middle East.
Type Words
Synonyms begin, commence, get, get down, set about, set out, start out
Has types break in, get weaving, get to, get started, get rolling, embark, get moving, enter, get going, fall, get cracking, plunge, jump off, recommence, attack, launch, strike out, bestir oneself, come on, auspicate
Verb group begin
Derivation starter

Who will start?.
Type Words
Synonyms begin
Type of move, act
Verb group begin

She started the soup while it was still hot.
We started physics in 10th grade.
Type Words
Synonyms jump, startle
Type of physiological reaction, instinctive reflex, unconditioned reflex, innate reflex, reflex response, reflex action, inborn reflex, reflex
Has types wince, startle response, flinch, startle reflex, startle reaction, moro reflex

he awoke with a start.
Type Words
Synonyms get going, go
Has types go on, take off, get off the ground, come on, come up

I start at eight in the morning.
Type Words
Synonyms begin
Type of be
Verb group begin
Type Words
Synonyms depart, part, set forth, set off, set out, start out, take off
Type of go forth, leave, go away
Has types roar off, blaze out, blaze, sally out, lift off, take off, sally forth
Type Words
Synonyms jump, startle
Type of move
Has types shy, rear back, boggle, jackrabbit

She startled when I walked into the room.
Type Words
Synonyms head start
Type of vantage, advantage

with an hour's start he will be hard to catch.
Type Words
Synonyms beginning, commencement
Type of change of state
Has types startup, springboard, scrummage, scrum, resumption, recommencement, point of departure, origination, organization, organisation, opening move, opening, institution, instauration, attack, instalment, installment, installing, activation, installation, innovation, initiative, initiation, inauguration, icebreaker, housing start, groundbreaking ceremony, groundbreaking, founding, foundation, formation, first step, first appearance, face-off, establishment, entry, debut, creation, constitution, unveiling, tone-beginning, launching, kickoff, jumping-off point, jump ball, introduction
Type Words
Type of play
Derivation starting
Type Words
Type of beginning
Has types opener, opening, kickoff, send-off, dawn, curtain raising, menarche, morning, oncoming, onset, start-off, thelarche, racing start, flying start, adrenarche, alpha, opening night, running start

it was off to a good start.