Dutch language

How to pronounce spurge in Dutch?

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Type Words
Type of bush, shrub
Has types candelilla, caper spurge, christ plant, christ thorn, christmas flower, christmas star, crown of thorns, cypress spurge, devil's milk, dwarf spurge, euphorbia amygdaloides, euphorbia antisyphilitica, euphorbia caput-medusae, euphorbia corollata, euphorbia cyathophora, euphorbia cyparissias, euphorbia dentata, euphorbia esula, euphorbia exigua, euphorbia fulgens, euphorbia helioscopia, euphorbia heterophylla, euphorbia hirsuta, euphorbia ingens, euphorbia lathyris, euphorbia marginata, euphorbia medusae, euphorbia milii, euphorbia peplus, euphorbia pulcherrima, fire-on-the-mountain, flowering spurge, ghost weed, hairy spurge, japanese poinsettia, leafy spurge, lobster plant, medusa's head, mexican fire plant, mexican flameleaf, mole plant, myrtle spurge, naboom, paint leaf, painted leaf, petty spurge, poinsettia, scarlet plume, wood spurge, cactus euphorbia, wild spurge, wolf's milk, snow-in-summer, snow-on-the-mountain, sun spurge, toothed spurge, tramp's spurge, wartweed, wartwort