Dutch language

How to pronounce spirit in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, look, smell, tone
Type of ambience, ambiance, atmosphere
Has types hollywood, zeitgeist
Derivation spiritize
Type Words
Synonyms disembodied spirit
Type of supernatural being, spiritual being
Has types familiar spirit, banshie, banshee, genie, zombi, zombi spirit, jinnee, jinni, kachina, zombie, numen, zombie spirit, peri, phantasm, phantasma, phantom, presence, python, silvan, specter, spectre, apparition, sylvan, control, thunderbird, djinn, djinni, djinny, evil spirit, familiar, fantasm
Derivation spiritual
Type Words
Synonyms inspirit, spirit up
Type of animate, invigorate, liven up, enliven, liven

The company spirited him up.
Type Words
Synonyms life, liveliness, sprightliness
Type of brio, spiritedness, invigoration, vivification, animation
Has types ebullience, alacrity, breeziness, briskness, buoyancy, delicacy, airiness, elan, energy, enthusiasm, esprit, exuberance, ginger, high-spiritedness, irrepressibility, jauntiness, muscularity, pep, peppiness, pertness, smartness, vigor, vigour, vim
Derivation spiritize
Type Words
Synonyms emotional state
Type of emotion
Has types gratification, happiness, embarrassment, unhappiness, ecstasy, satisfaction, exaltation, rapture, raptus, state, felicity, transport

he was in good spirits.
his spirit rose.
Type Words
Synonyms heart
Type of disposition, temperament
Type Words
Synonyms intent, purport
Type of signification, import, meaning, significance
Type Words
Type of character, fibre, fiber
Has types courage, cowardice, braveness, bravery, cowardliness, courageousness
Derivation spiritize
Type Words
Type of life principle, vital principle
Has types soul, psyche
Derivation spiritize