Dutch language

How to pronounce sound in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms phone, speech sound
Type of language unit, linguistic unit
Has types orinasal phone, sonant, semivowel, glide, voiced sound, vowel, vowel sound, consonant, orinasal, phoneme
Type Words
Synonyms reasoned, well-grounded
Derivation soundness

a sound argument.
Type Words
Synonyms fathom
Type of measure, quantify
Derivation sounder, sounding
Type Words
Synonyms auditory sensation
Type of aesthesis, esthesis, sensation, sense datum, sense experience, sense impression
Has types dissonance, music, racket, tone, pure tone, noise, dub, euphony

he strained to hear the faint sounds.
Type Words
Synonyms go
Type of cause to be perceived
Has types clop, clunk, crack, crash, whizz, whiz, whistle, whish, whirr, whir, vibrate, twirp, tweet, twang, trump, toot, tinkle, tink, ting, ticktock, ticktack, tick, thump, thud, thrum, tap, swosh, swoosh, swish, squelch, splosh, splat, splash, snarl, snap, slush, slosh, skirl, sing, rustle, rumble, roll, ripple, ring, reverberate, resound, resonate, rattle, rap, purr, beat, beep, birr, blare, bleep, blow, bombilate, bombinate, boom, boom out, bubble, burble, buzz, chatter, chime, chink, din, chug, clang, clangor, clangour, clank, claxon, click, clink, clump, pop, plunk, pitter-patter, pink, ping, peal, patter, noise, make noise, lap, knock, hum, honk, gurgle, guggle, grumble, glug, echo, drum, drone, babble, bang
Type Words
Synonyms effectual, legal

a sound title to the property.
Type Words
Synonyms good
Derivation soundness

a sound mind in a sound body.
Type Words
Synonyms audio
Type of auditory communication
Type Words
Synonyms heavy, profound, wakeless

a sound sleeper.
Type Words
Synonyms strait
Type of channel
Has types narrow
Type Words
Synonyms healthy, intelligent, level-headed, levelheaded

a sound approach to the problem.
sound advice.
no sound explanation for his decision.
Type Words
Synonyms vocalise, vocalize, voice
Type of pronounce, sound out, enunciate, enounce, say, articulate
Has types chirk, quaver, waver
Derivation sonant
Type Words
Type of water, body of water

the main body of the sound ran parallel to the coast.
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Type of denote, announce

sound the alarm.
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Type of look, appear, seem

This sounds interesting.
Type Words
Has types play, knell, ring, twang, blow, gong, pop, prepare, ting, thrum, clink, strum

sound the bell.
sound a certain note.
Type Words

politicians have no sound grasp of technology issues.
he has a sound understanding of the law.
Type Words
Derivation soundness

sound investments.
a sound economy.
Type Words
Derivation soundness

a man of sound character.
Type Words
Has types dissonate, play, speak, pierce, cackel

This record sounds scratchy.
Type Words
Derivation soundness

a sound timber.
the wall is sound.
a sound foundation.
Type Words
Type of mechanical phenomenon
Has types ultrasound

falling trees make a sound in the forest even when no one is there to hear them.
Type Words
Type of sound property
Has types racketiness, voice, unison, noisiness, ring

the sound of rain on the roof.
the beautiful sound of music.
Type Words
Type of natural event, happening, occurrence, occurrent
Has types twitter, twang, trampling, trample, tootle, toot, toll, tintinnabulation, tinkle, ting, ticking, tick, thunk, thumping, thump, thud, thrum, throbbing, tapping, tap, swish, susurrus, susurration, strum, step, song, skirl, sigh, rub-a-dub, rolling, roll, ringing, ring, rataplan, rap, quaver, quack, purr, popping, pop, plunk, ping, pealing, peal, patter, pat, paradiddle, noise, beat, zizz, zing, whiz, whistling, whistle, whirring, whirr, whir, whack, vroom, voice, vibrato, chirp, chink, buzz, bong, bombination, bombilation, bleep, birr, bell, beep, muttering, mutter, mussitation, murmuring, murmuration, murmur, knocking, knock, jingle, jangle, gurgle, gargle, footstep, footfall, drumbeat, drum roll, drum, dripping, drip, ding, cry, clunking, clunk, clumping, clump, clopping, clop, clippety-clop, clip-clop, clink, click-clack, click, chorus, chirrup

the sound awakened them.
Type Words

a sound thrashing.