Dutch language

How to pronounce smut in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms dirty word, filth, obscenity, vulgarism
Type of profanity
Has types bawdy, scatology, bawdry
Derivation smutty
Type Words
Synonyms carbon black, crock, lampblack, soot
Type of c, atomic number 6, carbon
Type Words
Synonyms smut fungus
Type of fungus
Has types sphacelotheca, sphacelotheca reiliana, urocystis cepulae, corn smut, bunt, tilletia foetida, tilletia caries, head smut, onion smut, genus sphacelotheca, flag smut fungus, loose smut, cornsmut, stinking smut, covered smut
Type Words
Synonyms erotica, porn, porno, pornography
Type of creative activity, creation
Has types kiddy porn, kiddie porn, child pornography
Derivation smutty
Type Words
Type of taint, infect
Type Words
Type of mildew, mold

the corn smutted and could not be eaten.
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Type of plant disease
Has types bunt, loose smut, green smut, flag smut, false smut, stinking smut
Type Words
Type of modify, change, alter

This line in the play smuts the entire act.
Type Words
Type of stain