Dutch language

How to pronounce slug in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms type slug
Type of type metal
Type Words
Synonyms idle, laze, stagnate
Has types waste one's time, daydream, frig around, fuck off, lie about, lie around, loaf, loll, loll around, lounge about, lounge around, moon, moon around, moon on, ride the bench, warm the bench, arse about, arse around, bum, bum about, bum around
Derivation sluggard

He slugged in bed all morning.
Type Words
Synonyms biff, clout, lick, poke, punch
Type of blow
Has types parry, rabbit punch, counterpunch, counter, sucker punch, sunday punch, ko punch, hook, knockout punch, haymaker, jab
Type Words
Synonyms bullet
Type of projectile, missile
Has types dumdum, rifle ball, rubber bullet, full metal jacket, dumdum bullet
Type Words
Synonyms slog, swig
Type of hit
Derivation slugger

He slugged me so hard that I passed out.
Type Words
Synonyms sluggard
Type of loafer, bum, layabout, do-nothing, idler
Type Words
Type of coin
Type Words
Type of alcoholic drink, intoxicant, inebriant, alcohol, alcoholic beverage

he took a slug of hard liquor.
Type Words
Type of univalve, gastropod
Type Words
Type of mass unit