Dutch language

How to pronounce sloppiness in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms slovenliness, unkemptness
Type of untidiness
Has types shagginess
Derivation sloppy
Type Words
Synonyms muddiness, wateriness
Type of wetness
Derivation sloppy

the sloppiness of a rainy November day.
Type Words
Synonyms carelessness
Type of inattentiveness
Has types negligence, incaution, incautiousness, neglect, neglectfulness, unconscientiousness
Derivation sloppy
Type Words
Synonyms drippiness, mawkishness, mushiness, sentimentality, soupiness
Type of emotionality, emotionalism
Has types schmaltz, sentimentalism, shmaltz, schmalz, corn
Derivation sloppy