Dutch language

How to pronounce sleep in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms nap
Type of period of time, time period, period
Has types beauty sleep, kip

he felt better after a little sleep.
Type Words
Synonyms eternal rest, eternal sleep, quietus, rest
Type of death

they had to put their family pet to sleep.
Type Words
Synonyms catch some z's, kip, log z's, slumber
Type of rest
Has types hole up, nap, practice bundling, sleep in, sleep late, aestivate, bundle, catch a wink, catnap, estivate, hibernate
Derivation sleeper, sleeping
Type Words
Synonyms slumber
Type of physiological condition, physical condition, physiological state
Has types nonrapid eye movement sleep, nrem, nrem sleep, orthodox sleep, paradoxical sleep, sleeping, rem, rem sleep, nonrapid eye movement, shut-eye, rapid eye movement, rapid eye movement sleep, shuteye
Derivation sleepy

he didn't get enough sleep last night.
Type Words
Synonyms sopor
Type of physiological state, physical condition, physiological condition
Type Words
Type of admit, accommodate, hold
Derivation sleeper

This tent sleeps six people.