Dutch language

How to pronounce sink in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms fall off, slump
Type of drop
Verb group drop, drop down
Type Words
Synonyms dip
Type of decline
Has types subside
Type Words
Synonyms sinkhole, swallow hole
Type of natural depression, depression
Type Words
Synonyms drop, drop down
Type of change posture
Has types drop open, sag, sag down, fall open, swag, droop, flag
Verb group drop, fall off, slump
Type Words
Synonyms cesspit, cesspool, sump
Type of cistern
Type Words
Synonyms go down, go under, settle
Type of fall, come down, go down, descend
Has types submerge, settle, subside, founder, submerse
Derivation sinker, sinking
Type Words
Synonyms lapse, pass
Type of move
Type Words
Synonyms slide down, slump
Type of give way, break, cave in, collapse, fall in, founder, give
Type Words
Synonyms bury
Type of imbed, plant, embed, implant, engraft
Has types countersink, set
Type Words
Synonyms subside
Type of fall, come down, descend, go down
Type Words
Type of displace, move
Has types settle
Verb group settle, go under, go down
Type Words
Type of plumbing fixture
Has types lavatory, washstand, washbowl, washbasin, kitchen sink, basin
Type Words
Type of natural action, activity, natural process, action
Has types heat sink

the ocean is a sink for carbon dioxide.