Dutch language

How to pronounce sin in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms sinfulness, wickedness
Type of unrighteousness
Has types mark of cain
Type Words
Synonyms sine
Type of circular function, trigonometric function
Type Words
Synonyms blunder, boob, drop the ball, goof
Type of break, breach, offend, transgress, violate, infract, go against
Type Words
Synonyms sinning
Type of evildoing, transgression
Has types venial sin, actual sin, deadly sin, fall, mortal sin, original sin
Type Words
Synonyms transgress, trespass
Type of violate, breach, break, go against, infract, offend, transgress
Has types fall
Derivation sinner, sinning
Type Words
Type Words
Type of letter, letter of the alphabet, alphabetic character