Dutch language

How to pronounce shot in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms dead reckoning, guess, guessing, guesswork
Type of estimation, approximation, estimate, idea
Type Words
Synonyms pellet
Type of missile, projectile
Has types ball, duck shot, musket ball, buckshot, bird shot, bb shot, bb, grape, grapeshot

the shot buzzed past his ear.
Type Words
Synonyms shooter
Type of expert
Has types gun, gunman, crack shot, marksman, sharpshooter, trapshooter

he is a crack shot.
Type Words
Synonyms snap, snapshot
Type of exposure, picture, pic, photograph, photo

my snapshots haven't been developed yet.
he tried to get unposed shots of his friends.
Type Words
Synonyms changeable, chatoyant, iridescent

chatoyant (or shot) silk.
Type Words
Synonyms barb, dig, gibe, jibe, shaft, slam
Type of remark, comment, input
Has types cheap shot

his parting shot was `drop dead'.
Type Words
Synonyms crack
Type of opportunity, chance

he wanted a shot at the champion.
Type Words
Synonyms blastoff
Type of rocket firing, rocket launching
Type Words
Synonyms scene
Type of photograph, picture, photo, exposure, pic
Has types outtake
Type Words
Synonyms stroke
Type of play, maneuver, manoeuvre
Has types golf shot, masse, masse shot, miscue, golf stroke, tennis shot, tennis stroke, cut, carom, cannon, break, undercut, baseball swing, swing, swipe

a good shot requires good balance and tempo.
he left me an almost impossible shot.
Type Words
Synonyms shooting
Type of propulsion, actuation
Has types shoot, gunfire, firing off, shellfire, gunshot, firing, headshot, countershot, discharge, potshot
Type Words
Synonyms stab
Type of endeavor, attempt, endeavour, try, effort

he gave it his best shot.
Type Words
Synonyms injection
Type of medical aid, medical care
Has types intradermal injection, intramuscular injection, intravenous injection, subcutaneous injection

the nurse gave him a flu shot.
Type Words
Synonyms nip
Type of small indefinite amount, small indefinite quantity

he poured a shot of whiskey.
Type Words
Type of blow
Has types cheap shot

he is still recovering from a shot to his leg.
I caught him with a solid shot to the chin.
Type Words
Type of try, effort, endeavor, attempt, endeavour
Has types slapshot, basketball shot, headshot
Type Words
Type of charge, explosive charge, bursting charge, burster
Type Words
Type of sports equipment

he trained at putting the shot.