Dutch language

How to pronounce sharp in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms crisp
Derivation sharpness

a sharp photographic image.
the sharp crack of a twig.
Type Words
Synonyms astute, shrewd
Derivation sharpness
Type Words
Synonyms acutely, sharply

the road twists sharply after the light.
turn sharp left here.
Type Words
Synonyms abrupt, precipitous

a sharp drop.
Type Words
Synonyms shrill
Type Words
Synonyms acute, discriminating, incisive, keen, knifelike, penetrating, penetrative, piercing
Derivation sharpness

as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang.
Type Words
Synonyms sharp-worded, tart
Derivation sharpness

sharp criticism.
a sharp-worded exchange.
Type Words
Synonyms acuate, acute, needlelike
Derivation sharpness
Type Words
Type of sewing needle
Type Words
Type of musical notation
Has types double sharp
Type Words
Derivation sharpness

a sharp knife.
a pencil with a sharp point.
Type Words
Derivation sharpness

a sharp pain.
sharp winds.
Type Words

C sharp.
Type Words
Derivation sharpness

a sharp blow.
Type Words

a sharp drop in the stock market.