Dutch language

How to pronounce shark in Dutch?

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Type Words
Type of selachian, elasmobranch
Has types angelfish, carcharias taurus, carpet shark, cat shark, cow shark, dogfish, fox shark, ginglymostoma cirratum, hammerhead, hammerhead shark, hexanchus griseus, alopius vulpinus, angel shark, requiem shark, rhincodon typus, sand shark, sand tiger, six-gilled shark, squatina squatina, thrasher, thresher, thresher shark, whale shark, mackerel shark, monkfish, nurse shark, odontaspis taurus, orectolobus barbatus
Type Words
Type of wrongdoer, offender
Has types shylock, moneylender, loan shark, usurer
Type Words
Type of expert

a card shark.
Type Words
Type of fish
Type Words
Type of chisel, cheat