Dutch language

How to pronounce set off in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms activate, actuate, spark, spark off, touch off, trigger, trigger off, trip
Type of initiate, pioneer
Type Words
Synonyms blow up, detonate, explode
Type of change integrity
Has types dynamite, fulminate
Type Words
Synonyms cancel, offset
Type of equilibrate, balance, equilibrise, equilibrize
Has types neutralize, countervail, counterbalance, counteract
Type Words
Synonyms incite, instigate, stir up
Type of stimulate, provoke
Has types raise

set off great unrest among the people.
Type Words
Synonyms bring out
Type of accent, emphasize, emphasise, accentuate, punctuate, stress
Has types pick up, highlight, foreground, spotlight, raise, play up

I set off these words by brackets.
Type Words
Synonyms depart, part, set forth, set out, start, start out, take off
Type of go away, go forth, leave
Has types sally forth, take off, blaze, blaze out, lift off, sally out, roar off
Type Words
Type of lead off, commence, start, begin