Dutch language

How to pronounce set in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms band, circle, lot
Type of social group
Has types car pool, cohort, conspiracy, ingroup, confederacy, jet set, company, inner circle, clique, horsey set, party, pack, horsy set, camp, four hundred, coterie

the smart set goes there.
Type Words
Synonyms lay out, set up
Type of set up, fix, ready, gear up, prepare
Derivation setting

set up an experiment.
set the table.
Type Words
Synonyms exercise set
Type of exercise, workout, physical exertion, physical exercise, exercising

he did four sets of the incline bench press.
Type Words
Synonyms stage set
Type of representation
Has types scene, scenery

the sets were meticulously authentic.
Type Words
Synonyms bent
Type of disposition, inclination, tendency

the set of his mind was obvious.
Type Words
Synonyms go down, go under
Type of go down, descend, fall, come down

the sun sets early these days.
Type Words
Synonyms define, determine, fix, limit, specify
Type of pick out, choose, select, take
Has types define, name, quantify, reset
Type Words
Synonyms plant
Type of lay, place, put, pose, position
Has types afforest, tree, dibble, bed, checkrow, forest, replant, puddle, root
Type Words
Synonyms mark
Type of establish, make, lay down

set a record.
Type Words
Synonyms sic
Type of assail, attack, set on, assault
Type Words
Synonyms laid

a carefully laid table with places set for four people.
Type Words
Synonyms fit, primed

we are set to go at any time.
Type Words
Synonyms hardened
Type Words
Synonyms fix, gear up, prepare, ready, set up
Type of modify, change, alter
Has types winterise, winterize, precondition, prime, work, cultivate, summerize, summerise, set up, brace, cram, mount, lay out, poise, crop, socialize, socialise, fix, provide
Type Words
Synonyms determined, dictated

the time set for the launching.
Type Words
Synonyms rig, set up
Type of outfit, fit out, fit, equip
Type Words
Synonyms countersink
Type of bury, sink
Type Words
Synonyms localise, localize, place
Type of present, stage, represent

The film is set in Africa.
Type Words
Synonyms fixed, rigid

with eyes set in a fixed glassy stare.
his bearded face already has a set hollow look.
Type Words
Synonyms lay, place, pose, position, put
Type of displace, move
Has types emplace, ensconce, docket, dispose, deposit, fix, cram, coffin, cock, clap, glycerolise, glycerolize, butt, ground, bucket, bottle, imbricate, inclose, bed, barrel, insert, instal, install, intersperse, introduce, jar, juxtapose, ladle, lay, lay over, lean, arrange, load, appose, marshal, middle, misplace, nestle, parallelize, park, perch, pigeonhole, pile, pillow, place down, place upright, plant, poise, posit, position, postpose, prepose, put back, put down, put in, rack up, recess, recline, replace, repose, reposition, rest, seat, seed, set down, set up, settle, settle down, shelve, ship, sign, siphon, sit, sit down, situate, snuggle, sow, space, stand, stand up, step, stick in, stratify, superimpose, superpose, tee, tee up, throw, thrust, trench, underlay, upend, enclose
Derivation setting
Type Words
Synonyms arrange
Type of compose, write
Has types tabulate, put, transpose, table, tabularise, prearrange, tabularize

set this poem to music.
Type Words
Synonyms readiness
Type of state of mind, cognitive state

the subjects' set led them to solve problems the familiar way and to overlook the simpler solution.
his instructions deliberately gave them the wrong set.
Type Words
Synonyms congeal, jell
Type of solidify
Type Words
Synonyms located, placed, situated

a house set on a hilltop.
Type Words
Synonyms determine
Has types place, value, filiate, price, assess, charge, date, identify, tax, format, initialise, initialize

set the rules.
Type Words
Synonyms seth
Type Words
Synonyms arrange, coif, coiffe, coiffure, do, dress
Type of neaten, groom
Has types wave, bob
Verb group dress, groom, curry
Type Words
Synonyms adjust, correct
Type of change, modify, alter
Has types zero, zero in, tune up, tune, trim, time, temper, synchronize, synchronise, sync, sharpen, reset, regulate, reconcile, readjust, proportion, pressurize, pressurise, plumb, ordinate, modulate, align, match, linearize, linearise, justify, attune, harmonize, harmonise, calibrate, graduate, citify, focus, coordinate, focalize, focalise, fit, decompress, fine-tune, depressurise, depressurize
Type Words
Synonyms place, put
Type of approximate, gauge, judge, estimate, guess
Type Words
Synonyms curing, hardening, solidification, solidifying
Type of natural action, action, activity, natural process
Has types congelation, congealment

he tested the set of the glue.
Type Words
Synonyms fructify
Type of reproduce, multiply, procreate
Type Words
Synonyms typeset
Type of print, impress

My book will be typeset nicely.
set these words in italics.
Type Words
Type of aggregation, collection, accumulation, assemblage
Has types product, portfolio, triplet, triple, cartesian product, trio, triad, threescore, teeth, union, synset, conjugation, consort, sum, core, core group, suite, dentition, nucleus, singleton, sextette, sextet, quartet, octet, octette, pair, choir, sestet, quadruple, manicure set, field, septette, septet, quadruplet, score, chess set, brace, quintuplet, quintuple, quintette, bracket, intersection, quintet, join, quartette

a set of books.
a set of golf clubs.
a set of teeth.
Type Words
Type of electronic equipment
Has types receiving system, sender, transmitter, receiver

the early sets ran on storage batteries.
Type Words
Type of initiate, originate, start

set fire to a building.
Type Words
Type of play, period of play, playing period

they played two sets of tennis after dinner.
Type Words

the moon is set.
Type Words
Type of arrange, set up
Derivation setting

The goldsmith set the diamond.
Type Words
Type of hone
Type Words
Type of abstraction, abstract entity
Has types topological space, mathematical group, mathematical space, universal set, mandelbrot set, subset, solution, domain, domain of a function, field, group, image, intersection, root, null set, range of a function, range, interval, diagonal, locus

the set of prime numbers is infinite.
Type Words
Type of modify, change, alter
Has types pitch, keynote

set the house afire.
Type Words
Type of place, pose, put, lay, position

set a broken bone.
Type Words
Type of adjust, correct
Has types reset, advance, set ahead
Derivation setting

set clocks or instruments.
Type Words
Type of locating, position, positioning, location, placement, emplacement

he gave a final set to his hat.
Type Words
Type of descent

before the set of sun.