Dutch language

How to pronounce sell in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms betray
Type of lead on, cozen, deceive, delude
Has types double cross
Type Words
Synonyms deal, trade
Type of transact
Has types deal, market, push, black marketeer, huckster, vend, pitch, peddle, monger, hawk, pyramid
Verb group deal
Derivation seller, selling

The brothers sell shoes.
Type Words
Type of be
Type Words
Type of be
Type Words
Type of be
Has types retail, trade
Verb group deal, trade
Derivation selling

These books sell like hot cakes.
Type Words
Type of change, interchange, exchange
Has types scalp, auction, auction off, auctioneer, bootleg, clear, deaccession, dispose, dump, fob off, foist off, move, negociate, palm off, prostitute, realise, realize, remainder, resell, retail, sacrifice, sell off, sell short, syndicate, undercut, underprice, undersell, wholesale
Derivation seller, selling

She sells her body to survive and support her drug habit.
Type Words
Type of deliver, surrender, give up, cede
Verb group betray
Type Words
Type of persuade

The French try to sell us their image as great lovers.
Type Words
Type of sale

it was a hard sell.