Dutch language

How to pronounce selection in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms choice, pick
Type of deciding, decision making
Has types favorite, way, pleasure, favourite
Type Words
Synonyms natural selection, survival, survival of the fittest
Type of activity, natural process, natural action, action
Type Words
Synonyms excerpt, excerption, extract
Type of passage
Has types analecta, analects, track, chrestomathy, citation, clipping, quote, quotation, cut, cutting, press cutting, press clipping, newspaper clipping
Type Words
Synonyms choice, option, pick
Type of action
Has types willing, casting, balloting, ballot, volition, vote, voting, election, determination, decision, conclusion, colouration, coloration, sampling
Derivation select
Type Words
Type of smorgasbord, mixture, miscellany, assortment, potpourri, salmagundi, motley, miscellanea, variety, mixed bag

the store carried a large selection of shoes.