Dutch language

How to pronounce seizure in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms ictus, raptus
Type of attack
Has types convulsion, absence seizure, absence, focal seizure, raptus hemorrhagicus

he suffered an epileptic seizure.
Type Words
Synonyms capture
Type of felony
Has types abduction, kidnapping, snatch
Derivation seize
Type Words
Synonyms capture, gaining control
Type of getting, acquiring
Has types taking into custody, catch, collar, subjugation, conquering, conquest, arrest, subjection, usurpation, enslavement, pinch, apprehension
Derivation seize
Type Words
Type of appropriation
Has types internment, impounding, distress, recapture, distraint, confiscation, arrogation, poundage, impoundment, impress, impressment
Derivation seize