Dutch language

How to pronounce see in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms attend, look, take care
Type of care, give care
Has types minister, tend

Could you see about lunch?.
Type Words
Synonyms construe, interpret
Type of understand
Has types read, be amiss, misconstrue, misinterpret, misunderstand, elicit, mythicise, mythicize, evoke, read between the lines, take, spiritualize, spiritualise, allegorize, allegorise, literalise, literalize, scan, reinterpret, draw out, extract, educe, misapprehend, misconceive
Verb group regard, view, reckon, consider

What message do you see in this letter?.
Type Words
Synonyms visit
Type of tour
Has types take in

We went to see the Eiffel Tower in the morning.
Type Words
Synonyms catch, take in, view, watch
Type of watch
Has types visualize, preview, spectate, visualise
Derivation seer

This program will be seen all over the world.
see a movie.
Type Words
Synonyms discover, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, learn, pick up
Has types discover, get the goods, find, trip up, catch, wise up, ascertain
Verb group find, witness

I see that you have been promoted.
Type Words
Synonyms date, go out, go steady
Type of associate, affiliate, consort, assort
Verb group date

Did you know that she is seeing an older man?.
Type Words
Synonyms ascertain, check, determine, find out, learn, watch
Has types test
Verb group see to it, check, find, control, ascertain, determine, insure, ensure, assure, find out

I want to see whether she speaks French.
Type Words
Synonyms find, witness
Type of experience, go through
Has types catch
Verb group find out, pick up, discover, hear, learn, find, get a line, get wind, get word

You'll see a lot of cheating in this school.
I want to see results.
Type Words
Synonyms experience, go through
Type of undergo
Has types suffer, enjoy, witness, feel, meet, experience, endure, live, find, come, know
Type Words
Synonyms ascertain, assure, check, control, ensure, insure, see to it
Type of verify
Has types double-check, proofread, spot-check, cinch, cross-check, proof, card, cover, control
Verb group control, check, check off, find out, learn, ascertain, mark, mark off, verify, tick off, tick, determine, watch
Type Words
Synonyms come across, encounter, meet, run across, run into
Has types intersect, cross
Verb group assemble, meet, gather, foregather, forgather

I'll probably see you at the meeting.
How nice to see you again!.
Type Words
Synonyms escort
Type of accompany

I'll see you to the door.
Type Words
Synonyms realise, realize, understand
Has types perceive, appreciate, take account
Verb group project, visualize, visualise, fancy, image, envision, figure, picture

Now I see!.
I just can't see your point.
Type Words
Synonyms envision, fancy, figure, image, picture, project, visualise, visualize
Type of envisage, ideate, imagine, conceive of
Verb group understand, visualise, realise, realize, visualize
Derivation seer

I can't see him on horseback!.
I can see what will happen.
I can see a risk in this strategy.
Type Words
Synonyms examine
Has types search, look, inspect, peruse, glance over, scrutinise, scan, rake, scrutinize, check, skim, candle, size up, x-ray, autopsy, take stock, survey, auscultate, run down

I must see your passport before you can enter the country.
Type Words
Synonyms consider, reckon, regard, view
Type of consider, think, conceive, believe
Has types idealize, hold, view as, abstract, value, appreciate, treasure, call, capitalise, capitalize, take for, consider, deem, respect, relativize, relativise, disesteem, disrespect, reify, reconsider, receive, prize, esteem, expect, prise, favor, favour, make, like, include, identify, idealise
Verb group construe, interpret

I don't see the situation quite as negatively as you do.
Type Words
Type of moot, deliberate, consider, turn over, debate

let's see--which movie should we see tonight?.
Type Words
Type of visit, call, call in
Verb group visit

I went to see my friend Mary the other day.
Type Words
Type of call in, call, visit

You should see a lawyer.
We had to see a psychiatrist.
Type Words
Type of wager, play, bet
Type Words
Type of find, notice, observe, discover, detect
Type Words
Type of perceive, comprehend
Has types glimpse, catch sight, get a look, behold, lay eyes on, catch a glimpse
Verb group catch, view, take in, watch
Derivation seeing, seer

You have to be a good observer to see all the details.
Can you see the bird in that tree?.
He is blind--he cannot see.
Type Words
Type of invite, take in, receive

the doctor will see you now.
The minister doesn't see anybody before noon.
Type Words
Verb group understand, realize, realise
Derivation seeing

The artist must first learn to see.
Type Words
Type of seat