Dutch language

How to pronounce scratch in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms scratch line, start, starting line
Type of line
Type Words
Synonyms dent, incision, prick, slit
Type of impression, imprint, depression
Has types scotch, score
Type Words
Synonyms boodle, bread, cabbage, clams, dinero, dough, gelt, kale, lettuce, lolly, loot, lucre, moolah, pelf, shekels, simoleons, sugar, wampum
Type of money
Type Words
Synonyms chafe, fray, fret, rub
Type of touch, adjoin, contact, meet

my sweater scratches.
Type Words
Synonyms mark, scar, scrape
Type of blemish, defect, mar
Type Words
Synonyms engrave, grave, inscribe
Type of carve, chip at
Has types character
Verb group etch, engrave

the lovers scratched their names into the bark of the tree.
Type Words
Synonyms chicken feed
Type of mash
Type Words
Synonyms excise, expunge, strike
Type of delete, cancel

scratch that remark.
Type Words
Synonyms scrape, scraping, scratching
Type of noise
Derivation scratchy
Type Words
Synonyms abrasion, excoriation, scrape
Type of wound, lesion
Has types rope burn, graze
Derivation scratchy
Type Words
Synonyms itch, rub
Type of irritate
Derivation scratcher

Don't scratch your insect bites!.
Type Words
Synonyms come up, scrape, scrape up
Type of accumulate, pile up, amass, collect, compile, hoard, roll up
Has types nickel-and-dime

they scratched a meager living.
Type Words
Synonyms call off, cancel, scrub

scratch that meeting--the chair is ill.
Type Words
Synonyms cacography, scrawl, scribble
Type of script, hand, handwriting
Has types squiggle, chicken scratch
Type Words
Synonyms scrape, scratch up
Type of incise
Has types scuff, claw
Derivation scratcher
Type Words
Type of contender, rival, challenger, competition, competitor
Type Words
Type of handicap

a golfer who plays at scratch should be able to achieve par on a course.