Dutch language

How to pronounce scrap in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms rubbish, trash
Type of waste matter, waste material, waste, waste product
Has types rubble, litter, junk, dust, detritus, debris, scrap metal
Type Words
Synonyms junk, trash
Type of cast away, throw out, toss out, put away, throw away, toss away, toss, dispose, cast aside, cast out, chuck out, discard, fling

scrap your old computer.
Type Words
Synonyms bit, chip, flake, fleck
Type of fragment
Has types scurf, sliver, matchwood, splinter, exfoliation, scale
Type Words
Synonyms combat, fight, fighting
Type of struggle, conflict, battle
Has types tussle, whipping, scuffle, affray, banging, battering, beating, brawl, brush, clash, close-quarter fighting, cut-and-thrust, disturbance, dogfight, duel, encounter, fencing, fistfight, fisticuffs, fray, free-for-all, gang fight, gunfight, gunplay, hassle, impact, in-fighting, knife fight, rough-and-tumble, ruffle, rumble, affaire d'honneur, set-to, shock, shootout, single combat, skirmish, slugfest, snickersnee
Derivation scrappy

the unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap.
Type Words
Synonyms altercate, argufy, dispute, quarrel
Type of fence, argue, contend, debate
Has types polemize, wrangle, spat, polemise, polemicize, polemicise, brawl, fall out
Derivation scrapper

These two fellows are always scrapping over something.
Type Words
Type of piece

she jotted it on a scrap of paper.
there was not a scrap left.
Type Words
Type of convert

scrap the old airplane and sell the parts.