Dutch language

How to pronounce say in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms read
Type of have, feature
Verb group read

What does the law say?.
Type Words
Synonyms enjoin, order, tell
Type of request
Has types call, direct, command, warn, prescribe, instruct, send for, require
Type Words
Synonyms suppose
Type of speculate

Let us say that he did not tell the truth.
Let's say you had a lot of money--what would you do?.
Type Words
Synonyms articulate, enounce, enunciate, pronounce, sound out
Has types retroflex, roll, round, lilt, nasalize, sibilate, sound, aspirate, devoice, accent, vocalise, vowelize, palatalize, palatalise, misspeak, flap, lisp, mispronounce, accentuate, trill, labialise, labialize, twang, raise, stress, subvocalise, subvocalize, vocalize, nasalise, click, voice, vowelise, syllabise, drawl, syllabize, explode

I cannot say `zip wire'.
Type Words
Synonyms allege, aver
Type of maintain, assert, asseverate
Has types plead

The registrar says that I owe the school money.
Type Words
Synonyms state, tell
Type of utter, verbalise, verbalize, give tongue to, express
Has types give, add, announce, answer, append, articulate, declare, enunciate, explain, get out, introduce, lay out, mention, misstate, note, observe, precede, preface, premise, present, remark, reply, represent, respond, sum, sum up, summarise, summarize, supply, vocalise, vocalize
Type Words
Type of convey

What does this painting say?.
Did his face say anything about how he felt?.
Type Words
Type of read, register, record, show

The clock says noon.
Type Words
Type of recite
Derivation saying
Type Words
Verb group tell, state

I say let's forget this whole business.
Type Words
Type of opportunity, chance

let him have his say.
Type Words
Type of utter, express, verbalize, give tongue to, verbalise