Dutch language

How to pronounce saltation in Dutch?

Toggle Transcript
Type Words
Synonyms bounce, bound, leap, leaping, spring
Type of jump, jumping
Has types pounce, capriole, caper
Derivation saltate
Type Words
Synonyms jump, leap
Type of transition
Has types quantum jump
Type Words
Synonyms dance, dancing, terpsichore
Type of recreation, performing arts, diversion
Has types pavan, pavane, phrase, ceremonial dance, break dancing, ritual dance, ritual dancing, saraband, variation, skank, slam dance, slam dancing, social dancing, stage dancing, step dancing, adagio, toe dance, toe dancing, break dance, hoofing, duet, mambo, courante, choreography, nauch, nautch, nautch dance, pas de quatre, pas de deux, pas de trois, pas seul
Derivation saltate
Type Words
Type of chromosomal mutation, genetic mutation, mutation
Type Words
Type of activity, natural action, action, natural process
Derivation saltate