Dutch language

How to pronounce sack in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms pocket, pouch, sac
Type of cavity, enclosed space
Type Words
Synonyms carrier bag, paper bag, poke
Type of bag
Has types doggie bag, grocery bag, doggy bag
Type Words
Synonyms clear, net, sack up
Type of profit, gain, benefit
Verb group make, bring in, clear, earn, gain, net, pull in, realise, realize, take in
Type Words
Synonyms discharge, dismissal, dismission, firing, liberation, release, sacking
Type of termination, conclusion, ending
Has types honorable discharge, inactivation, dishonorable discharge, conge, congee, deactivation, removal, section eight, superannuation
Type Words
Synonyms plunder
Type of take

the barbarians sacked Rome.
Type Words
Synonyms can, dismiss, displace, fire, force out, give notice, give the axe, give the sack, send away, terminate
Type of remove
Has types furlough, pension off, send packing, squeeze out, clean out, dismiss, drop, retire, lay off, send away
Derivation sacking
Type Words
Synonyms hammock
Type of bed
Type Words
Synonyms chemise, shift
Type of frock, dress
Type Words
Synonyms sackful
Type of containerful
Type Words
Synonyms sacque
Type of jacket
Type Words
Type of white wine
Type Words
Type of incase, encase, case

The grocer sacked the onions.
Type Words
Type of plundering, pillage, pillaging

the sack of Rome.