Dutch language

How to pronounce run in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms rill, rivulet, runnel, streamlet
Type of stream, watercourse
Type Words
Synonyms go
Type of be

the story or argument runs as follows.
Type Words
Synonyms function, go, operate, work
Has types service, double, cut, roll, serve
Verb group work

Does this old car still run well?.
Type Words
Synonyms race
Type of contend, vie, compete
Has types horse-race, show, place, campaign, speed skate, boat-race
Derivation runner, running

he is running the Marathon this year.
Type Words
Synonyms unravel
Type of disintegrate
Verb group ladder
Type Words
Synonyms ladder, ravel
Type of damage, harm, impairment

she got a run in her stocking.
Type Words
Synonyms tally
Type of score
Has types rbi, unearned run, earned run, run batted in

the Yankees scored 3 runs in the bottom of the 9th.
Type Words
Synonyms campaign
Type of race
Has types whistlestop, register, rerun, cross-file, stump

Who's running for treasurer this year?.
Type Words
Synonyms ladder
Type of break, come apart, split up, fall apart, separate
Verb group unravel

Her nylons were running.
Type Words
Synonyms operate
Type of direct
Has types work, financier, block, warm up
Derivation running

She is running a relief operation in the Sudan.
Type Words
Synonyms run for
Type of last, endure

The film runs 5 hours.
Type Words
Synonyms campaign, political campaign
Type of race
Has types senate campaign, campaign for governor, senate race, governor's race

he is raising money for a Senate run.
Type Words
Synonyms carry
Type of disperse, broadcast, pass around, spread, disseminate, propagate, diffuse, distribute, circulate, circularize, circularise
Type Words
Synonyms draw, guide, pass
Has types thread, rub
Verb group thread, lead, draw, string
Type Words
Synonyms test, trial
Type of attempt, try, endeavour, endeavor, effort
Has types preclinical trial, field trial, tryout, trying on, try-on, fitting, clinical trial, clinical test, audition, snellen test, ministry of transportation test, mot, mot test, pilot program, pilot project, preclinical phase, assay, preclinical test, double blind
Type Words
Synonyms ply
Type of trip, travel, jaunt
Verb group black market
Type Words
Synonyms execute
Type of implement, apply, enforce
Has types step
Verb group play

run a new program on the Mac.
Type Words
Synonyms break away, bunk, escape, fly the coop, head for the hills, hightail it, lam, run away, scarper, scat, take to the woods, turn tail
Type of go forth, leave, go away
Has types skedaddle, take flight, fly, flee

If you see this man, run!.
Type Words
Synonyms lead
Type of make pass, pass
Verb group pass, range, draw, guide
Type Words
Synonyms be given, incline, lean, tend
Type of be
Has types suffer, gravitate, take kindly to

These dresses run small.
Type Words
Synonyms extend, go, lead, pass
Type of be
Has types ray, go deep, underrun, radiate, come, go far
Verb group range

Service runs all the way to Cranbury.
Type Words
Synonyms running
Type of travel, locomotion
Has types sprint, dash

he broke into a run.
his daily run keeps him fit.
Type Words
Synonyms play
Verb group play, execute
Type Words
Synonyms consort
Type of accompany

the heifers run with the bulls to produce offspring.
Type Words
Synonyms range
Type of be
Verb group pass, lead, go, extend

Interest rates run from 5 to 10 percent.
Type Words
Synonyms black market
Type of merchandise, trade
Verb group ply
Type Words
Synonyms die hard, endure, persist, prevail
Type of continue
Has types reverberate, carry over
Type Words
Synonyms foot race, footrace
Type of race
Has types track event, steeplechase, marathon, obstacle race, fun run, funrun

she broke the record for the half-mile run.
Type Words
Synonyms streak
Type of succession
Has types losing streak, winning streak

Nicklaus had a run of birdies.
Type Words
Synonyms melt, melt down
Type of resolve, break up, dissolve
Has types fuse, render, try
Verb group bleed
Type Words
Synonyms discharge, outpouring
Type of flow, flowing
Has types leak, jet, spirt, outflow, escape, leakage, squirt, spurt
Derivation runny
Type Words
Synonyms running, running game, running play
Type of football play
Has types rush, draw play, return, reverse, rushing, sweep, draw, end run

the defensive line braced to stop the run.
the coach put great emphasis on running.
Type Words
Synonyms bleed
Type of spread out, spread, fan out, diffuse
Has types crock
Verb group melt down, melt

These dyes and colors are guaranteed not to run.
Type Words
Synonyms course, feed, flow
Type of move
Has types run down, drain, dribble, eddy, whirlpool, whirl, well out, filter, flush, waste, trickle, circulate, tide, swirl, gush, gutter, surge, stream, jet, spill, seep, ooze, run out, run off, purl, pour
Type Words
Synonyms go, move
Type of change

run through your presentation before the meeting.
Type Words
Synonyms hunt, hunt down, track down
Type of catch, capture
Has types jack, ambush, drive, rabbit, seal, falcon, course, whale, ferret, forage, fowl, foxhunt, snipe, still-hunt, jacklight, scrounge, hawk, poach, turtle
Verb group hunt

The dogs are running deer.
Type Words
Type of chronological sequence, successiveness, sequence, succession, chronological succession

the play had a long run on Broadway.
the team enjoyed a brief run of victories.
Type Words
Type of trip

the ship made its run in record time.
Type Words
Type of trip

take a run into town.
Type Words
Type of incur

run a temperature.
run a risk.
Type Words
Type of operate, work, function, go
Verb group operate, work, function, go
Derivation running

The car is still running--turn it off!.
Type Words
Type of carry out, carry through, fulfill, accomplish, fulfil, execute, action

run an errand.
Type Words
Type of move, displace
Verb group hunt, hunt down, track down

run the dogs.
Type Words
Type of process, treat
Has types rerun
Verb group play

run a subject.
run a process.
Type Words
Type of go, become, get

run amok.
run rogue.
run riot.
Type Words
Type of pass
Type Words
Type of win, succeed, bring home the bacon, deliver the goods, come through
Type Words
Type of go, locomote, travel, move

who are these people running around in the building?.
She runs around telling everyone of her troubles.
let the dogs run free.
Type Words
Type of travel rapidly, hurry, speed, zip
Has types lope, clip, romp, scuttle, trot, scurry, scamper, jog, skitter, hare, rush, outrun, run bases, sprint, streak
Derivation runner, running

Don't run--you'll be out of breath.
Type Words
Type of occur
Verb group die hard, prevail, persist, endure

Musical talent runs in the family.
Type Words
Derivation running
Type Words
Type of sail
Type Words
Type of release, free, unloose, unloosen, loose, liberate
Type Words
Type of period, time period, period of time
Has types press run, print run, run-time

the assembly line was on a 12-hour run.
Type Words
Type of indefinite quantity

a daily run of 100,000 gallons of paint.
Type Words
Type of go, move, locomote, travel

She always runs to Italy, because she has a lover there.
Type Words
Type of liberty

he has the run of the house.