Dutch language

How to pronounce rope in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms circle, forget me drug, mexican valium, r-2, roach, roofy, rophy
Type of flunitrazepan, rohypnol
Type Words
Synonyms lasso
Type of capture, catch, get
Derivation roping, roper

rope cows.
Type Words
Synonyms leash
Type of tie, bind

rope the bag securely.
Type Words
Type of line
Has types bola, brace, brail, bungee, bungee cord, cable, cordage, guide rope, halliard, halter, halyard, hangman's halter, hangman's rope, harpoon line, hawser, skip rope, jump rope, lariat, lashing, lasso, prolonge, reata, riata, skipping rope, small stuff, tier, tightrope, trip line, hemp, hempen necktie
Derivation ropey, ropy