Dutch language

How to pronounce roll in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms roster
Type of list, listing
Has types church roll, death-roll, lineup, muster roll, rota, batting order, card, waiting list

his name was struck off the rolls.
Type Words
Synonyms wheel
Type of travel, locomote, move, go
Has types troll, bowl
Derivation rolling

The President's convoy rolled past the crowds.
Type Words
Synonyms revolve
Type of move, displace
Has types transit
Verb group turn over

She rolled the ball.
They rolled their eyes at his words.
Type Words
Synonyms turn over
Type of turn
Has types rim
Verb group revolve
Derivation roller

The child rolled down the hill.
Type Words
Synonyms peal, pealing, rolling
Type of sound
Type Words
Synonyms bun
Type of bread, staff of life, breadstuff
Has types frankfurter bun, crescent roll, croissant, clover-leaf roll, coffee roll, vienna roll, tea bread, sweet roll, soft roll, beigel, bagel, parker house roll, onion roll, kaiser roll, hotdog bun, hard roll, hamburger roll, hamburger bun, brioche
Type Words
Synonyms roll up
Type of change
Verb group wrap up, roll up, furl

The carpet rolls unevenly.
dried-out tobacco rolls badly.
Type Words
Synonyms bankroll
Type of pecuniary resource, monetary resource, funds, cash in hand, finances

he shot his roll on a bob-tailed nag.
Type Words
Synonyms roller, rolling wave
Type of wave, moving ridge
Type Words
Synonyms roll out
Type of flatten
Has types cog, mill

roll out the paper.
Type Words
Synonyms drum roll, paradiddle
Type of sound
Type Words
Synonyms twine, wind, wrap
Type of move, displace
Has types ball, clew, clue, coil, curl, spool, reel, loop
Derivation roller

roll your hair around your finger.
Type Words
Synonyms cast
Type of throw
Has types natural
Type Words
Synonyms cast, drift, ramble, range, roam, rove, stray, swan, tramp, vagabond, wander
Type of travel, move, go, locomote
Has types jazz around, maunder, gallivant, gad
Verb group stray, drift, wander, err

They rolled from town to town.
Type Words
Synonyms hustle, pluck
Type of rip, steal, rip off
Type Words
Synonyms seethe
Type of roil, churn, boil, moil

The water rolled.
Type Words
Synonyms coil, curl, curlicue, gyre, ringlet, scroll, whorl
Type of round shape
Has types corolla, verticil, calyx
Type Words
Synonyms bowl
Type of propulsion, actuation
Type Words
Synonyms flap, undulate, wave
Type of move
Has types luff
Derivation roller

the waves rolled towards the beach.
Type Words
Synonyms scroll
Type of manuscript, holograph
Has types torah, megillah
Type Words
Synonyms axial motion, axial rotation
Type of gyration, rotation, revolution
Has types wallow
Type Words
Synonyms undulate

The hills rolled past.
Type Words
Type of airplane maneuver, flight maneuver
Has types snap roll, barrel roll
Type Words
Type of cylinder
Has types rouleau, bolt
Type Words
Type of function, run, operate, go, work

The cameras were rolling.
The presses are already rolling.
Type Words
Type of go, sound
Derivation rolling

The thunder rolled.
rolling drums.
Type Words
Type of tumble

The gymnasts rolled and jumped.
Type Words
Type of shake, rock, sway

The ship rolled on the heavy seas.
Type Words
Type of photographic film, film
Type Words
Type of say, articulate, enounce, enunciate, pronounce, sound out

She rolls her r's.
Type Words
Type of shape, form

roll a cigarette.
Type Words
Type of deform, change shape, change form

the carpet rolled out.
Yarn rolls well.
Type Words
Type of gait