Dutch language

How to pronounce rip in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms blood, profligate, rake, rakehell, roue
Type of debauchee, rounder, libertine
Type Words
Synonyms rent, snag, split, tear
Type of opening, gap

there was a rip in his pants.
Type Words
Synonyms rip off, steal
Type of take
Has types loot, malversate, misappropriate, nobble, peculate, pilfer, pinch, pirate, plagiarise, plagiarize, pluck, plunder, pocket, purloin, rob, roll, rustle, shoplift, snarf, sneak, walk off, abstract, bag, burglarise, burglarize, burgle, cabbage, cop, defalcate, embezzle, filch, glom, heist, hook, hustle, knock off, lift, snitch, swipe, thieve
Type Words
Synonyms countercurrent, crosscurrent, riptide, tide rip
Type of turbulency, turbulence
Type Words
Synonyms rent, split
Type of tear

he gave the envelope a vigorous rip.
Type Words
Synonyms pull, rend, rive
Type of rupture, tear, snap, bust

The curtain ripped from top to bottom.
pull the cooked chicken into strips.
Type Words
Type of assault, lash out, round, snipe, assail, attack

The candidate ripped into his opponent mercilessly.
Type Words
Type of cut
Type Words
Type of shoot, shoot down, charge, tear, buck

The tornado ripped along the coast.