Dutch language

How to pronounce retire in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms adjourn, withdraw
Type of close, shut down, close up, fold, close down
Has types prorogue
Verb group seclude, withdraw, sequestrate, sequester

The men retired to the library.
Type Words
Synonyms withdraw
Type of tire, fatigue, jade, pall, weary
Has types back off, bow out, pull out, back down, chicken out
Verb group withdraw

he retired from life when his wife died.
Type Words
Synonyms put out
Type of fiddle, play, diddle, toy
Type Words
Synonyms draw back, move back, pull away, pull back, recede, retreat, withdraw
Type of go, locomote, move, travel
Has types retrograde, retreat, back up, back off, fall back, back down
Verb group back out, withdraw, crawfish, back away, retreat, pull in one's horns, pull back, crawfish out
Type Words
Synonyms bed, crawl in, go to bed, go to sleep, hit the hay, hit the sack, kip down, sack out, turn in
Has types bunk down, bed down
Type Words
Synonyms withdraw
Type of stop, discontinue, quit, lay off, give up, cease
Has types drop out
Verb group bow out, withdraw
Derivation retiree, retirement

He retired from chess.
Type Words
Synonyms strike out

The pitcher retired three batters.
Type Words
Type of chuck out, toss out, toss away, toss, throw out, throw away, cast aside, cast away, cast out, discard, put away, dispose, fling

She finally retired that old coat.
Type Words
Type of step down, resign, leave office, quit
Has types superannuate, bow out, withdraw
Derivation retiree, retirement

He retired at age 68.
Type Words
Type of displace, terminate, dismiss, can, send away, sack, give notice, give the axe, force out, give the sack, fire
Has types superannuate

The director was retired after the scandal.
Type Words
Type of recall